Due South 3.03, 3.04 (squeeing and poll)

Jun 12, 2008 00:17

OMG you guys, Kowalski continues to make me want to titmash him on a regular basis. You should hear the frightening shrieks of glee in the bat hearing range that are emitted by me when Ray K does something too adorable for words - which is at least 5x per ep. Like srsly, I find myself totally distracted at work because I can't wait to get home to watch another ep!

3.03 "I Coulda Been A Defendant", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Ray's so adorably impatient with Fraser's lollygagging courtesy - reminiscent of early Ray V. "Inside: I'm a poet, outside: watch out crook!" "Bad Cop, Polite Cop - that could work." And when looking at Asperger Dude's tower o' paper: "I could do that - I choose not to." I was thinking this the other day in regards to "Eclipse", how the whole "blind as bat but vainly refuses to wear glasses despite amazing competency with them" cliche is so played, and yet when he does it I am utterly charmed and clap my hands like a trained monkey. Likewise that scene re: the tower of paper - how is it that in their hands (Paul Haggis, Paul Gross and of course Callum Keith Rennie), the cliche becomes magical? Oh yeah, and I loved "I hate being told to go to my room - that guy sucks!" He's like Dean - I could totally hear Dean saying that in one of his petulant moods. (RayK = Dean & Fraser = Sam - has that mapping been explored to anyone's satisfaction? Explain and show examples. *ignores plot bunnies frolicking*) "What is the first thing we do when a suspect has been apprehended?" *blank look*, then: "Kick him in the head?" Oh, Ray. ♥

3.04 "Strange Bedfellows", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Ray's instant suspicion on the word association game with the word "closet" - it's not just me, right? He seemed to be jumping to some awfully queer conclusions on that one. Fraser was of course oblivious to the gay panic his question raised. ("You know, you might say 'carpentry'" - lollarious!) The 1890 Illinois Code! I had to pause the DVD and laugh for literally 5 minutes. I felt sorry for Ray when Fraser was defending him to Stella - Ray knew damn well his motives were not the least bit honorable, but he couldn't help himself. Looking up info on the computer (in a mostly dark office, obviously late at night) - they seem so comfy with each other, I love the casual intimacy of Fraser reaching around Ray to press the printer button. (Maybe it's just me - as a woman and as someone with issues around personal space such that I would not feel comfortable in that position with someone I didn't know that well - but it reads as wonderfully chummy to me.) And Ray adorably hitting the keys ("I hate this thing - I can never get it to work for me") again like something Dean would do, contrasted with Fraser's calm mastery of the computer. "Not a good idea to get into an argument with The Stella." (Ha!) I love how The Stella and Alder McAssholio's romantic date means that Ray and Fraser have to have a romantic date as well. OMG Ray asking The Stella to dance = watch from the hall embarrassing. And that's why he's always practicing dancing (c.f. "Eclipse") - awwwwwww. Loved the scene outside Stella's door ("I suck") - I almost expected him to do a forehead lean against the door a la Moonlight.

And then there were the anti-gay, Fraser-woobie moments, to wit: "If hypothetically a situation should come up where you would have to take a bullet for this guy, do me a favor - don't." "Ray, it's really nice to know you're so concerned for me." "Oh I wasn't thinking about you Fraser." "Of course not." (Ohhhh my heart broke at that.) "You want a ride?" Fraser & Stella simultaneously: "Yes" then Fraser says: "Oh, sorry" when he sees Ray was only talking to Stella. Not to mention the final scene when Ray ditches Fraser in the hallway! But at the same time I kind of wanted to shake Fraser because he wasn't getting it - obviously Ray has serious unresolved issues with The Stella, and Fraser was just kind of blundering around like a moose or something.

Don't get me wrong, I still loved the ep, I can't even bring myself to take off a heart because they are both so, so cute and the show is so awesome. And I guess it would be too much to go straight to the lovin' without some obstacles.

Also, check out my newly acquired DS icons (had to park them on JournalFen because I had no room over here1):

Iconz ahoy! (scroll down to the bottom)

Finally, a poll!

Poll Due Souuuuuuuth

1 - Just to clarify: I did not make these, I merely ganked with attribution from various posts on ds_icons over the past several years - though I do want to make an icon from the look on Fraser's face in "Red, White or Blue" when Ray V. figures out which wire to cut - so radiant! It's a gorgeous face he makes. And that reminds me, that scene gave me a major plot bunny involving the heart monitors, but I shall say no more lest I jinx myself and/or it makes no sense. Which is entirely probable.

polls, due south, tv

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