misc whinging #538

Dec 12, 2007 02:42

I was going to do that 2007 roundup meme (list 1st line of 1st post in each month of 2007) but sidetracked by stupid computer issues. Soon! *shakes threatening fist in direction of internets*

  1. Just like how being punk rock means never having to say you're sorry, apparently dying your hair purple means not brushing it inadvertantly becomes a fashion statement. (Whereas [faded, roots-having triple toned hair] [not brushing] = sad & pathetic.) I realized when I looked in the mirror at work at around noon that I actually looked pretty punk rock - totally by accident, natch. This is totally unbrushed since yesterday morning and put up in a fake "bun"1 like I wear it 99% of the time. Even when I let down the bun as an experiment and it looked kind of like a frightwig2, I appeared to be rocking that look like I meant it.

    Unfortunately I really do think I cocked up the bleaching part (I do a highly elaborate 2-stage process) but right now you can't tell 'cause it's all been drenched in grape-colored Manic Panic. Why can't they invent a permanent dye that can give me these colors? Or better yet, discover the gene(s) controlling hair pigment and tweak it to produce purple/bright red/pink/magenta. Then just put it in a retrovirus and shoot me up. (I think about this kind of crap in wayyyy too much detail. Also, way to be self-centered! "Forget curing Parkinson's or cancer - perma-fix my mousy haiiiirrrrr instead!!")
  2. I am IN LOVE with this lotion (LUSH's The Comforter - 2006 forum-only super-rare, I just got it on eBay) - like to the point of being torn about whether I should bring it home or keep it at work because I want it near me at all times so I can love it and hug it and call it George sniff it and put it on my hands and then put a little water on to take away any greasy feeling (though for a Lush lotion this one is actually pretty light) and then sit around smelling my hands all day like a total crack addict. I cannot help it, it smells like blackberries and I just want to eat it. It reminds me of this fabulous L'Aromarine "Mure Musc" perfume extract I got recently - means "Blackberry Musk". Which I thought was called "cassis" but I also got a "Cassis" extract from L'Aromarine and it's a nasty strong floral that doesn't smell anything like either of the other two!! Also also Wicked Cosmetic's "Blackberry Vanilla Musk" smells just like the Comforter/MM. Need to try BPAL's Cassis SN.
  3. I had a 3) here but now have no f-in clue what it was. Maybe about how hideous everything at H&M was the other day? It really was, yo. It was like Revenge of the 80's up in that joint. I'm talking electric blue and black striped sweaters like the kind I got from Benetton in 8th grade. And you know I tolerated the many, MANY phases of retro chic at H&M, the kicky little 60's prints etc., but this time they have gone too far. In terms of shapes, everything looked either like it literally came from an old lady's closet or like it was designed for a two year old. From the 80's. I had flashbacks. The ONLY reason I wore ANY of that shit at the time was because that's all I could get - I hated it then too.
  4. Ew, Kitty is eating something off the floor. As in something random & probably rotten. Way to go cats in demonstrating fastidiousness!

  5. You know, all I wanted to do when I got home at 10pm from work->Trader Joe's was eat some dinner and make a wee post and go to bed early-ish (before 12:30-1am). When I fired up my laptop (for the sole purpose of using Semagic to compose, edit and post - I use my Mac for everything else except work-related crap and sometimes writing), I made the HUGE mistake of applying the 4 Windows updates that had been auto-dl'ed for me. Then I rebooted as instructed. One - or possibly all of them in tandem - completely hosed my internet connectivity. Thanks, M$!! Just what I needed. *cries* *breaks things* I am so tempted to throw this POS machine out the goddamn window, I can't even tell you. *deep breaths* The weird thing is that my wireless card can connect to the network, but IE/Firefox/any other app that gets on the actual IntarWebs (read: Semagic) are SOL and possibly FUBAR. I rolled back 3 out of the 4 updates, but I canna find the last one (KB 944275, in case anyone cares, and also for my reference in case I lose the envelope I scrawled it on) in Add/Remove programs. Still no dice. Now it's 2 hours since I first booted up this piece of shite laptop and I'm nowhere near functional.3
  6. I'm so cranky and itchy (and now very, very tired) and I hate winter - why do I live in the Northeast again?? I am now convinced that winter is a conspiracy designed to make me look bad - as in, literally. Hats of all kinds look incredibly retarded on me. Like even the cutest white knitted ones that make other girls look like they just romped out of a goddamn Old Navy commercial make my head look like an onion. I ask you, how is that fair? Also, every time water touches my skin it gets so dried out, I have to slather it with 59 kinds of soothing lotion, which then make me feel greasy so I have to wash some of it off. The latter is just for my hands, thank God. I really wanted to take a nice, relaxing, super-moisturising bath on Saturday night but did I? Fuck no. At least I got my laundry done though. Had to bribe S with a double CD of his choice (not to exceed $25) to do the drop-off and pick-up for me - the laundromat does my wash & fold, thus the whole enterprise must have run me like $50, whereas to do it myself on Saturday would have cost me like $10 MAX. Sadly it's totally worth it to me. I hate lugging around the heavy cart & bags, waiting around at the laundry and handling the dirty and/or wet clothes SO MUCH that I will pay thru the nose to avoid it.
  7. Speaking of Blackberries, now that I have one for work, I have learned that text entry/navigation on BB is the exact opposite of the Sidekick. Keyboard/buttons are confusingly named/laid out (alt means num for the number keys and alt for the letter keys, and num means caps?! WTF) and navigation is by means of that retarded scroll wheel. I still hate BB but have now learned to work around its stupidity. Then I go back to the SK, that comparative haven of intuitive design4 (having period be a "normal" key - not needing a modifier! Having ampersand as a regular "alt" character, over the 7 where it belongs, instead of as a secret hidden symbol only accessible via pop-up menu!) and I'm used to stupid BB layout and I get all confused again. The shift and alt are reversed, why God why?!1?

1 - A fake bun is when you make a ponytail but leave the ends tucked back in to the hairband so it poufs out in a big round thing. I like it because it's quick & easy and doesn't pull on my scalp. Though I realized that my hair has now gotten long enough to make a real bun (the twisty kind, when you wind the ponytail around itself before securing with a Scrunchie (tm) or what-have-you - I've never been able to pull off a chopstick or even a pencil bun) and it cracks me up, I feel like a librarian when I do it.
2 - My sister T. and I have a running joke about how I always say my hair looks like a frightwig, as in Halloween mask wig, because it's thick and wavy and gets tangled very easily, and it cracks her up that I even use the word "frightwig".
3 - Posting via Sidekick browser, ah, low-tech.
4 - Yeah, I know, iPhone. I don't care for it because a) I hate touching the screen all the time, it gets so dirty and b) I feel like it's overkill for me personally for a phone. I don't want my phone to do everything, I just want to be able to make calls & type (SMS msgs - but also I write stories on my Sidekick).

complete fucking spam, whinging

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