me shows

Jan 18, 2007 03:37

OK, quickly jotting down my random & disconnected thoughts, because I've been meaning to do it for three days and can't seem to find an uninterrupted minute that's not being spent decanting perfumes, packaging them or burning CDs for people. In descending order of squee:

1) The Office, 3.13 "Traveling Salesmen" (squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥): So many things to love!! Best episode this season, man. First of all, Dwangela broke my frigging heart. Secondly, Jim was so mean to Dwight! Regular pranking is one thing, but the slap seemed a little much. Methinks someone is taking out his frustration on the usual target. Thirdly, I have almost the exact same coat as Dwight! My brother gave it to me! (And if you're stalking reading this, thanks again! I wear it all the time!) Um, fourthly, that deleted scene with Toby is hysterical and such fanfic fodder, I love it. OK, that's not really about what aired. I love Andy and I don't want to see him go but he soooo deserves some uppance to come from his behavior in this ep. I also liked it that Michael was so serious in this ep. Agree 110% with the peeps who've said it's a real improvement from the UK series to the US one that you can really see how Michael was a great salesman and got promoted (a la Peter Principle) above his competency. And no dis to Ricky G. and all - which I guess it's really not, because he's more of a writer than an actor per se - but Steve is just blowing this role out of the water. Not that the Golden Globes assholes care. But then again, I've never even seen 30 Rock. I think I'm prejudiced against it because the title reminds me of Third Rock from the Sun (which was a great show, mind you).

2) Supernatural, 2.10 "Hunted" (squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥): Heresy alert: I've not been feeling the SPN-love this season at all. I'm not sure why. I mean, I want to feel it, but "In My Time of Dying" was the last ep that really gave me chills. And I couldn't stand Shut Up Daddy John, so it's not because of the lack of him. (Could that sentence have been any more awkward? < /Chandler>) I don't know, everything just feels so predictable this season. I can feel the beats where the script creaks and it's like there's a direction "Insert emo-wank here" and Sammy's all earnest, yet pissy and Dean's all gruff and trying vainly to hide his deep hidden pain as a single perfect tear runs down his cheek and I don't know I'm just falling out of love with the show. But all that said, this was a pretty good ep. I loved Ava (and want to rent Ginger Snaps now!), what's-her-face Katherine Isabelle just had so much fun with the role, and what with the tied up Dean and the Gordon-homoerotica oh yeah and the FACE CARESSING WINCEST, yeah, this ep sort of did it for me. I guess. There were definitely nits (WTF Ellen suddenly you "forgave John a long time ago" when as of "No Exit" she was all "it's a feud that will never be forgotten, bitches!"?) but there were a lot of excellent things to counteract them. (The use of "White Rabbit" alone was stunning.)

3) Smallville, 6.10 "Hydro" (squee-meter: ♥): Tori Spelling looked like a drag queen - even more so than usual, actually - but her cheesy bad acting is kind of perfect for the show, I have to admit. Most of this ep was stupid but - and I can't believe I'm saying this - I didn't hate Chlois in it. Let me clarify: I've hated Lois herself pretty much ever since she showed up. Lois & Ollie (Lollie?) is kind of funny in a "don't listen to them just watch the pretty" sort of way, but since Lex seems so totally over Clark, I've pretty much given up on that ship (although as mskatej pointed out, hearing him say "When I was with Clark I would have said Yes without any hesitation" was awesome and totally made the episode), so it's almost like they've worn me down and maybe there was some chemistry there and the smiley cuteness after their kiss was really quite cockle-warming. Damn you Al and Miles! Speaking of which, why the FUCK won't they just kill Lana already?!? Every time I think she can't get any more annoying and pathetic, she sinks to a new low. Maybe Lex's spawn will be possessed and kill her while clawing its way out.

In a totally unrelated to TV note, my devil-cat fell in the bath tonight - while I was in it! The little idiot was so desperate to be with Mommy that he kept trying to walk around the edge of the tub and I was laughing at him and saying he'd be sorry, and then he fell in and I really laughed and helped him get out, but then I was the one who was even sorrier because he tracked water all over the house and wouldn't let me dry him off. What a dumbass!!

OK, shit, that was SO not quickly. If I don't go to sleep this second I'll be miserable tomorrow, fuck!

PS because I can't shut up, I got a suspiciously cute haircut yesterday. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wash it and it'll turn into a fright wig, that's just my luck.

spn, office=my tv boyfriend, sv

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