Dropped. On. Their. Heads!!!
SG1:10.5 "Predator" "Uninvited":
Come ON. Was it just me, or did this truly blow? I miss Daniel. I miss my show. This was... I don't know what this was, but it wasn't my SG-1.
- I don't know whether to be flattered that the CamMobile is such an OBVIOUS Metallicar wanna-be or annoyed at the piggybacking attempt at coolness.
- Beau Bridges still creeps me out. I'm sorry, I want to like him but he just *shudder*. Although the one LOL moment during the whole ep was his bird-calls. That was pretty damn funny.
- If this were Daniel & Jack stuck in the woods in Jack's cabin, I'd be happy. They'd also SO be doing it.
- I like Ben, but they're making it hard for me to love Cam in this ep. He's just coming across as snotty and a little maladjusted, when I think they're going for awkward and repressing secret manly emo.
- Vala's like the only one with a spark of life here at all. And she brings the PRETTY.
- Who are these people and what have they done with my characters??
- The monsters look like giant versions of the smooshed wax lion from Wonderfalls.
Watching this episode was like having half my fingernails pulled out. (The other half? They were saving for SGA.)
SGA: 3.05 "Progeny":
Every time I think the characters couldn't get any more fucking idiotic, they outdo themselves.
- Sheppard: You're the boss of Atlantis. Yet you're coming on our away mission where you could easily get killed. Weir: Hello, who's the boss here again? I'm ordering you not to think!
- He's pretty, but what good did Ronon really do in the diplomatic meetings? The BF asked why they brought Chewie - everything he says could easily be replaced with unintelligible moaning noises and it would make about as much sense.
- Why does SGA revert to a bunch of sullen teenagers around alien authority for no good reason? Oh right, I forgot - incredibly lame plot devices.
- Just how many times has this storyline been done? I'm exhausted by the stupidity.
- Friendly Blond Guy reminds me of a goldfish. All he does is stare at them bug-eyed and overact robot-y.
- Okay, I'll admit it, Sheppard going down with the ship city got to me a little. Even though it was so obvious that it was a dream/fantasy/hallucination. Rodney would never just LEAVE like that.
- HA! Rodney being tortured in "intimate" ways! Now THAT was funny. As was Ronon's curiosity. Awww, and all Ronon got was a workout!
- The look on Rodney's face when Ronon & Sheppard busted out the moves was also mildly amusing. His boyfriend & bodyguard did all the work!
- OK, the trope of "Rodney races against time while Sheppard pesters him and distracted snarkage occurs" is now officially expired. It's not cute, it's not funny anymore - please TPTB, think of a new one!
- That wacky Ronon, with his breakdancin' fighting moves. He so crazy!
- And the supposedly pacifist Weir is okay with the quick, violent fix that makes things worse instead of the peaceful attempt at working to change the system from within??
- Why'd they have to betray the one person who helped them again? When all it did was make the rest of them even madder, and gave the Replicators a legit grudge against SGA instead of just a leftover beef with the Ancients?
There are no words. Most of the fanfic I've read has been less OOC than this.
Feh, and paugh, I say! These eps left a terrible taste in my mouth. SRSLY, "writers" - just because you're trying to make up for blowing your entire budget last week, does that mean you had to cheap out on the scripts, too?
I'm using my Old-Skool DD icon of to remind me of the Disappointments of Fandoms Past, and to remind myself that getting too attached only ends up breaking my heart.
ETA and.. Apparently me too dumb to make poll in same post as review. Poll is now