The Sheetz of the Moment aka The Beginning of the End

May 05, 2002 03:58

What kind of man am I? The kind of man who doesn't stick to his guns and that's no kind of man to be.
So far this Summer (if you can even call it that) I have already done 4 out of the 5 things I said I would not. So far I have woken up every morning, eaten at Sheetz(twice now, I'll come back to that), gotten caught by a Higbee's security guard whilst I was defiling a foyn lady mannequin, and tonight I saw the shiniest movie of Summer, Spider-Man...and I actually enjoyed it! I mean granted, there was some stuff in the movie that I didn't like and I had to wear sunglasses for part of it but ultimately, I came away...satisfied!
There was one thing that I couldn't stop thinking about throughout the entire movie, though - Sheetz! No joke, several times throughout the movie I caught myself thinking how much I wanted it to end so I could go to Sheetz and get my munch on.
And what happened? As soon as it was over, I went directly to Sheetz! While there, I noticed that, for being 3 o'clock in the AM, it was unusually busy and all the people there had vacant, hungry eyes. I even heard some people spouting Sheetz catchphrases in hollow voices such as "Sheetz is the place for food. (Sigh)"
This time around, I purchased 2 Sheetz. I also bought a Coke and some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I wolfed down the 2 Sheetz since we were still in it's sphere of influence at the time but once we got approximately 5 miles away, I started to feel sick. Needless to say, half of the bottle of Coke is in my fridge and the Reese's Cups remain unopened and undesired. If anything, this just propagates my theory that Sheetz exerts a supernatural control over it's "customers".
Unfortunately, my days of trying to resist the power of Sheetz enchantment may be over as they are building one on Rt. 18 just past Medina Line. For those of you who don't know why this would cause my resilience to wane, it appears that this Montrose/Medina Sheetz will be less than 5 miles from my place of employment which means that if it does indeed come to pass, every time I go into work, I will be powerless to resist the godless powers Sheetz emanates.
I have tried to maintain my Summer resolutions and failed on almost every account save one. But you can rest assured that while there is still breath in my body, Mithral Hall will remain standing. This I swear, by Moradin's hammer!
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