Well I said I would but...

May 23, 2002 12:26

All my birthday-fueled energy seems to have drained right back out of me into the bodies of all the people that I absorbed it from, whomever they be. As such, I will still deliver my b-day post as promised but it will be a much condensed version of what I originally planned.
I just wanted to give a most grandiose thanks to everyone who attended my party. My birthday was a roaring success and I hope everyone had a good time because I know I sure did. By the end of the night, I was literally too drunk to see straight but I still remember just about everything that happened (and I had some times, let me tell you).
I would like to give specific thanks to Chris & Angela who definitely gave me the most unique and original presents by far. To Dave R., who got me a kick-ass present, one that I know I will be making use of a lot in the near future...that's right, my Chris Rock hat. Oh and Resident Evil is totally sweet too. A special thanks to my boy, Brian Rich who bought me what every man needs but most don't have the guts to use, a cutter. And to everyone who was involved in the elaborate lie that was my surprise party. You'll all get yours...in the end.
As far as a recap of my night is concerned, I do indeed have many funny stories but as this is a condensed post, I will give just the highlights:
Attempting to open the Thursday's bathroom wall insisting that there is "a toilet back there"
Peeing in Thursday's sink while having a conversation with a stranger where I referred to him as "Eric" the entire time.
Meeting my "good friend", Ryan, with whom I supposedly graduated with but still have no recollection of whatsoever.
Shouting "Boo!" in Juice's ear when introduced to her.
Telling Angela that I needed to sit down only to insist once I got there that I needed to dance.
Drinking a shot called chocolate cake and saying "They must've used chocolate dirt."
Giving out many hugs to many strangers.
There are more stories but those were the ones that immediately spring to mind. All in all, it was a good birthday and I hope that my newfound abruptness won't cause a
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