This website tells you all about eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. It includes info on how much a serving is, tips on getting that much roughage into your diet, and recipes that incorporate fruits & veggies. I can't get The Color Guide link to work, but otherwise, the website seems like a decent starting point, at least, for getting more good stuff in your diet. I, for one, suck at getting enough of that stuff on a daily basis, and want to improve. My motivation might have a not-so-slight connection with having read part of
this article today. The online version isn't complete, but it has an exerpt from the full print article and a map of the world, color coded by country according to the percentage of citizens who are overweight (or obese, I can't remember).
I really, really like refined carbs, though. (One of the things, not surprisingly, listed as a reason for increasing obesity worldwide.) And I like cream sauces. And cookies. And cake. And. So many things that aren't good for you... One step at a time, though. Maybe I'll start by adding in fruits and vegetables and see what happens :-).