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starstreakeddd November 20 2011, 09:56:12 UTC
Man, a Seohyun Vs. Mayu showdown desperately needs to happen...Seriously lol.
She destroys you without mercy because her purpose in life is to win at everythingTick. Mayu's competitive as hell, lol hell she hates the word losing and being underestimated in general and can be a mean-spirited, manipulative/conniving (in getting her way that is,although if I'm sorely misinformed please do correct me lol D:)biatch when she wants to be :3 ( ... )


arbitrary_greay November 20 2011, 21:39:05 UTC
The problem is that Seohyun would have to be goaded into going all out, otherwise she's way too honorable. Mayu would probably snipe her from behind before she even realized someone was after her. XD

I wanna know if Mayu's wax-on-wax-off blocks that she's used on Yukirin and Myao are from actual training or if she just picked it up from anime or something. XD But regardless, the fact that non-athletic Mayu decided to learn martial arts blocking moves means she's one dangerous bitch. <3

Yeah, her 2010 senbatsu "speech" was a hoot. Ambitious cyborg is ambitious.

Battle Royale AKB48shidae
Duuuuuuuuuude that would be awesome. And I bet, all Majisuka style, that Mayu would immediately hook up with Jurina and get her to take out the others with her Extreme Competence at Everything before backstabbing her for the final win.

Mayu actually does have her own manga. Danso!Mayu is like Jaejoong levels of pretty, ROFL ( ... )


starstreakeddd January 18 2012, 11:03:21 UTC
HAHAHAAH lool so true that and Mayu would enlist the help of her sub-unit which is basically her and her back-up dancers/singers/army of legions/minions :l ( ... )


arbitrary_greay January 19 2012, 01:16:34 UTC
Blog video cray-cray highlights. Sayuko bromance FTW.

Omg, I am totally going to take that Seibu Dome Day 2 Majisuka encore MC and use it for a JurinaxMayu analysis post. So much awesome homg.

Kitarie's pretty intellectual. It's one of the reasons I like her.

Maimai wasn't a loli, she was one of the sexy ones! XD

Oshiri sisters FTW. Their dynamic is also really interesting, especially in the context of Mayu growing up in this sort of environment rofl. Innocence was never so adorably lost. It's also interesting to note how Yuko's image and actions were different back then, probably because Meetan was covering the pervert angle.
(Off-topic: homg Honmayan why so awesome)

Lol even Aki-P joined in on the boobies talk.

I seriously can't tell if Sasshi was trying to troll there or not. XD That girl. <3

Nah, it's all cool. It's nice to know there's someone I can spazz with about AKB, though!


starstreakeddd January 20 2012, 16:26:48 UTC
And omgosh coolbeans thanks for compiliing it all in one post. Lol oh saysaeyuko ultimate trio \0/

and dudeeeeee omg pleaseeeeeee doooooo,no pressure though, like if you have time that is, but yesh omg that would be super duper awesome.

O really? Lol never paid much attention to her but gonna "educate" myself about her now loool :D. And loool oops got Oku's last name mixed up with Maimai's I was a tad confused for a sec lol.

And HAHAAHHAHA it's so weird seeing how subdued Yuko was kind of and d'awww mayuu why are you still underageeeeee at least comparatively speaking to what she's like now lol (Geez Yuko lol how many time do you wanna touch that girl's ass here lmfao. ).
But yeah LOL Meetan definitely did a great job making sure she covered all the bases loool.

I still don't get the Honmayan joke lol but Yui is adorable lol in that powerangers-like-suit. /slowwwwww
but some awesome person subbed it if you haven't watched it subbed :D.


arbitrary_greay January 20 2012, 17:36:15 UTC
Sasshi and Kitarie did that one quiz show together once where each puzzle is time-based like a death trap. Sasshi was basically useless and Kitarie solved all of the clues rofl.

LOLOLOLOL that was literally Oshiri48 there for a moment before they moved on to her boobs Ahh, pervert48 is amazing.

Honmayan is basically going for Adult Swim style comedy(Futurama, Adventure Time, etc) where the humor is in the awkward line deliveries and timing, and everyone is really irrational on purpose.


starstreakeddd January 23 2012, 15:52:07 UTC
OMG so want to see that, it sounds like the show that made Jurina made a recent appearance at called TORE or something :DD.
And LOL didn't even realize that but yesh indeed :3.

... )


starstreakeddd January 18 2012, 15:03:56 UTC
And in response to http://snsd-ffa.livejournal.com/99777.html?thread=1539777#t1539777
Yuko is one of those front girls that DESERVES it in every way. All of the girls admire her for good reason.
Man I wish I could understand half of what was being said in that clip one linked, care to elaborate if you do happen to know :D? Np if it's the same likewise haha xD.
Dude, I love the AKB48 bromances even more than the proper shipping. YukoSayaka, MiiMayu, Oshiri Sisters, No3b, YukoAcchan, TeamHormone for life.JuriMayu is an interesting dynamic to consider because Mayu was the first "baby" of senbatsu, and Jurina kind of replaced her on that front,(the two were paired in the Oogoe Diamond PV!) but both obviously have a lot of respect for each other.Nezumi/center forever ♥ haha.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CkcUtUXb0c&list= ( ... )


arbitrary_greay January 19 2012, 01:39:19 UTC
Blarg, that clip is gone. I saw it somewhere else, though, so when I hunt it down I'll write down what I can make of it. Can't give you specifics, but I think I got the general gist of things and some details here and there.

Lol Kanon intrusion.

Duuuude yes, Takayuko! Takayuko is amazing on both a shenanigans and a dawwwwww <3 level. And after watching To Be Continued, aaaaaahhhh MariTakaAcchan <3 <3 <3
I don't think I've seen SasshiHaru in action before. Clips?

LOL Yukirin got the creepy souless stare down pat.

Yeah, that SMAP documentary special featured a section where Miichan was supremely pissed off about Nagisa no Cherry. Too bad the account that was subbing it got taken down before they got to that part.

Yeeeessss I remember that presscon. Lol Mayu manages to put "oshiri~ :D" into the most inappropriate times.

End Roll shidae pl0x, omg.
And Oshibe to Meshibe, of course. :3


starstreakeddd January 20 2012, 16:07:29 UTC
Lol no worries don't worry about it then, it's probably a pretty big hassle to go fishing out for that clip again but thanks all the same :D!
Pardon my ignorance but is Kanon the one who's smooching the other chick in that about-to-be-released SKE PV and has practically the entire-fandom-creaming-their-pants-over-the-glorious-gheyyyyy girl?

Lol midget wars ftwwwwwwww and Yuko being a homerecker-in-the-making \0/, gurl ain't satisfied with receiving the short end of the stick at all. She can't not have some Kojipa in some way or another it seems haha. And omg TakaMariAcchan ♥.And damn either YT's taken it down again or I can't seem to find it again--it was this video compilation of all these moments on that show kojiharu hosts & other variety shows where the two were having a go at each other (it wasn't translated) but what I could make of it, it seemed that way lol. I'll link it later if it miraculously appears again lol. But they make a great comedy duo if all else fails post-AKB haha :D.
And lol Kojiharu may possibly be the ( ... )


arbitrary_greay January 20 2012, 17:30:16 UTC
Yes. Girl is 14 and younger than Jurina. @_@
Also she's the one who stabbed Gekikara in MG2.

Lol, I can't decide if I'm impressed or exasperated by Kojiharu's acting. (Although everyone's tsundere towards Takamina rofl. EVERYONE, especially 1st gen.)
I don't buy crazy Kojiyuu that much anymore. They're clearly really really chill with each other in reality, and Kojiharu's only tsundere on camera/on stage.

It was probably Boku no Taiyou where the mathiness happened. I'll have to check the making of. But I'm not surprised. Kojiharu's idol is Michishige Sayumi, who is also known for loving math, a sharp tongue,(like putting Yukirin to shame levels) but most of all her cuteness narcissism image. Sayumi also clearly has a good head on her shoulders, but a couple years back she had these epic quiz show appearances with the most brilliantly ridiculous answers. Leading to a shit ton of screentime, of course ( ... )


starstreakeddd January 23 2012, 15:31:28 UTC
What omg lol no way. Is she like 12 or something? :o /Goes off to google her.
But she seems adorable d'awwww. And LOL oooh I seee.
/brb re-watching that scene and scoots off to watch season 1-haven't actually seen it tbh haha.
LOL I'm more impressed and fascinated by how she she manages to keep it up/not let her guard/walls down but yeah lol one one would wonder if she isn't tired of having to do so, now I really want to see her being all Michishige Sayumi-esque :D.(And lol yeah I watched that Michishige clip on a show of her being all snarky at the older MM members generation or something with her "I'm cuter-than-you-will-ever-be shtick and so much hilarity and lulz ensued :D..argh I can't seem to find it on YT anymore D ( ... )


arbitrary_greay January 26 2012, 15:50:00 UTC
Nobody in SKE can resist Kanon's cuteness.(Rena is so fucking helpless before Kanon, lol) Girl has even more dimples-loli potential than Lovetan.

Oh, in one of the Seibu Dome MCs Takamina revieals that she's learned how to skip, if you remember that epic 7ji12fun Takacchan skipping moment.

AHAHAHAHA Yuko. Although I wonder if this was before or after Aki-P told her she was boring.


arbitrary_greay January 21 2012, 06:28:48 UTC
starstreakeddd January 23 2012, 14:52:18 UTC
And wow damn thanks so much for taking the time in translating all of it and even with translations to the chinese words lol (ecstatic that my 8 years of chinese school hasn't gone down the drain yet lol so can make out the translation somewhat),but yeah tysm really really appreciate it! :DDDDD ( ... )


arbitrary_greay January 26 2012, 15:59:08 UTC
Sae may bring all the girls to the yard, but Miichan kisses all the girls in the yard. XD

Yeah, I do wonder how much Mayu has been babied by senbatsu, although I get the feel that she's not as universally liked as Jurina. Don't forget she shot down Kojiharu too during that epic Shoujiki Shougi.

Heee, and the cycle continues. Mayu starts building her own harem to begin passing on the pervert48 ways.starting with Jurina

Sasshi can speak well, she just speaks so fast that things start running together.
You know, I'm really starting to take a liking to Sasshi/Haru. Poor Sasshi always seems like she's a bit of the outsider to Senbatsu since she's the only next gen ace in the top 10, but this might show that that's not fully the case.

Nah, all of 1st and 2nd gen adore the captain. But Asuka's part of next gen, so of course there's a bit of that divide. Like Sasshi, she probably admires Takamina too much to get close on a friends level.


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