О Дискриминации

Jun 13, 2012 23:40

Эта тема, как и многие, - относится к категории споров, где думаешь, мол, даже, если бы аргументы "за" не казались бы мне убедительными, - меня убедило бы то, насколько слабы аргументы "против".

Два Аргумента )

racism, liberty, пациент, libertarians, liberals

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e2pii1 June 14 2012, 10:00:50 UTC
> кромe дискриминации против женщин, и против черных было много иных. Ирландцы, итальянцы, католики, китайцы, евреи - все как-то пробились.

Некий левак-профсоюзник дал такой ответ (все остальные которых я спрашивал вообще никакого ответа дать не смогли):


- Please answer who/what/how did allowed to change class Irish catholics / jews / american asians 150/100/50 years ago AND did not allowed to change class the current communities on the social bottom.

- the answer is "the labor movement", when the people protest the unfairness of large businesses and promote laws to limit corporate interests for the workers. Through the labor movement normal workers where able to gain a minimum wage which would allow families to save for their own interests, make corporation provide healthcare, create laws the prohibit children from working - which was a norm before the 1900's.

- I appreciate that you finally give an answer. Unfortunately your answer does not answer the question. Namely, it answers the first part (what allowed them to change class 150-50 years ago), but does not answer the second part: why it does not allow to change class NOW ?

The labor laws are not abandoned now, the poor in the US are not working longer and not earning less than 100 years ago, children are prohibited from working now and have public schools. Why the communities on the social bottom do not advance now like some others did 150-50 years ago ?

- the reason why minorities or the poor can't advance, because currently our system isn't set up that way. At the moment in the US, they are out sourcing jobs to oppressed countries while still trying to get money from the States. Instead of money circulating within America, it's being ported out. When the money leaves the states, so does the opportunities.

Еще помню какой-то англоязычный американец отвечал: "смотри насколько расизм к черным и сексизм сильнее религиозных предрассудков к белым".


e2pii1 June 14 2012, 10:22:19 UTC

Irish catholics 150 years ago, jewish immigrants 100 years ago, asians 50 years ago all were miserable and disadvantaged not less than afroamericans and hispanics are now. However they all were able to advance to the middle and top of the society.

Quite amazing how their whiteness eventually trumped those religious differences, ain't it?

It's still quite a shame that despite economic success in Indian (Asian) communities there are so few Asian, let along Indian, political figures anywhere in the country.
And it's even more shameful to America that the highest growth rate in suicides in this country has come from this "model minority" group

Вот такие аргументы у оппонентов (насчет suicides rate я там ответил)


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