Северный Поток, Трамп, Байден и идиоты

Feb 14, 2022 19:14

  1. 11 июля 2018, EU Observer: Trump attacks Nord Stream 2 at Nato breakfast

    "Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they'll be getting from 60 to 70% of their energy from Russia, and a new pipeline, and you tell me if that's appropriate because I think it's not and I think it's a very bad thing for Nato," US leader Donald Trump said at a Nato summit in Brussels Wednesday, referring to Germany's plan to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline with Russia.


  2. 12 июля 2018, Oil&Gas Journal: Trump: Nord Stream 2 would put Russia in ‘total control’ of Germany

    Critics challenged Trump’s assertion that the proposed pipeline, which would run beneath the Baltic Sea alongside one which is operating already, would leave Germany importing 60-70% of its energy from Russia. But his statement confirmed that his administration does not want to see heavy reliance on Russian gas grow further in some parts of Europe.
    Sandra Oudkirk, deputy assistant secretary for energy diplomacy at the US Department of State, previously confirmed that the Trump administration has received several requests to sanction the proposed Gazprom-sponsored 746-mile pipeline (OGJ Online, June 26, 2018).
    "But we believe there are still significant tools within the [European Union] which can be used and should be considered," she continued. "I think people ask for US sanctions because they think Nord Stream 2 is a done deal. It’s not. There are still levers available to the EU."

  3. 13 июля 2018, ModernDiplomacy.eu: Nord Stream 2 undermines NATO unity

    The US news agency Bloomberg recently reported, citing two German officials that Germany is preparing to strike back if the US introduces additional sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
    According to the agency, the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel is mulling the possibility of calling for coordinated actions by the European Union if Washington goes through with sanctions against the participants in the Nord Stream 2 project. Referring to a statement by the German Ministry of Economics, Bloomberg also emphasized that new US sanctions would hit German and European companies, banks, and government agencies.

    Update: 25 сентября 2018, немецкая делегация в ООН радостно хихикает над глупым Трампом, который говорит глупость, что они окажутся полностью зависимы от русской нефти:

    German delegation reaction to President Trump at the UN saying they're on track to become totally dependent on Russian oil: pic.twitter.com/KFW0JSM2Yt
    - Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) September 25, 2018

  4. 21 декабря 2019, BBC: Nord Stream 2: Trump approves sanctions on Russia gas pipeline.

    President Trump has said the 1,225km (760-mile) pipeline, owned by Russia's Gazprom, could turn Germany into a "hostage of Russia".
    The US sanctions have angered Russia and the European Union, which says it should be able to decide its own energy policies.
    Earlier this week German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was "opposed to extraterritorial sanctions" against the Nord Stream 2 project.

  5. 21 декабря 2019, Forbes: Trump Imposes Sanctions To Stop Nord Stream 2 - But It’s Too late

    Though the pipeline project remains controversial and unpopular in Europe, Trump’s attacks have only seemed to cause European leaders to rally around the project. The issue came to a head at a NATO summit in Brussels last year, where Trump attacked Germany for accepting the pipeline, while at the same time casting doubt on whether the U.S. would defend the country if it was attacked by Russia.
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned the U.S. sanctions, with her foreign minister Heiko Maas saying the sanctions amounted to "interference in autonomous decisions taken in Europe".
    "European energy policy is being decided in Europe, not in the US," he said.

  1. 21 мая 2021, Forbes: Nord Steam 2 Saga Ends As Biden Waives Sanctions

    The dispute over the controversial oil and gas pipeline known as "Nord Stream 2" ended on Wednesday when the United States Department of State announced that the Biden administration was waiving sanctions against the pipeline’s Russian owner, …
    On the Republican side, Ted Cruz tweeted that Biden’s decision was "Stunning. In defiance of U.S. law, Biden is actively helping Putin build his pipeline."
    Biden’s decision rested mostly on attempting to maintain positive relations with Germany and its Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, using exquisite diplomatic double-speak, said as much when he announced that while the Biden administration was "unwavering" in opposition to Nord Stream 2, it is "in the national interest of the United States" to waive sanctions.
    The Nord Stream 2 decision puts the Democratic Party in innumerable uncomfortable, and often contradictory, positions regarding energy.

  2. 25 мая 2021, CNN: Biden defends decision not to sanction company building controversial Russian gas pipeline

    "I have been opposed to Nord Stream 2 from the beginning," Biden said Tuesday of the pipeline, which is expected to be finished this summer and is intended to provide Europe with a sustainable gas supply while giving Russia more direct access to the European market.
    "But it was almost completed by the time I took office," Biden added. "And to go ahead and impose sanctions now would I think be counterproductive in terms of our European relations and I hope we can work on how they handle it from this point on."

  3. 29 ноября 2021, Breitbart: Trump Vindicated: Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Deal Was Merkel’s ‘Biggest Mistake’, Says Former EU Chief

    "As Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel was helpless in the face of the lobbying force of domestic entrepreneurs," Tusk said, claiming that the outgoing leader of Germany "admitted" as much in past conversations with him.

    Current Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has also taken aim at the project calling on the incoming coalition government in Germany to do "everything possible not to allow Nord Stream 2 to be an instrument in the arsenal of President Putin."
    "Nord Stream 2 is becoming a tool to blackmail Ukraine and Moldova. It is also a tool for the manipulation of energy prices," Morawiecki said on Sunday.

  4. 7 февраля 2022, CBS: Biden says there won't be a Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine

    "If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, then there will be - there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2," the president told reporters. "We will bring an end to it."
    Mr. Biden's remarks came at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House. He did not say how he would stop the pipeline, and when asked, Mr. Biden responded, "I promise you, we'll be able to do it."
    Scholz, too, fielded questions about the pipeline, and he declined to explicitly say Germany would cancel the pipeline in the event of Russian aggression in Ukraine, but he stressed that the U.S. and Germany are "absolutely united."

Полезные идиоты
  1. 14 февраля 2022, judeomasson:

    Если бы у меня была возможность задать арбату вопрос, я бы попросил его назвать хоть одну санкцию, которую Трамп ввёл против России по собственной инициативе. Естественно что арбат бы ничего не смог ответить, так как таких санкций не было. Даже те санкции, которые он обязан был вводить по закону, он саботировал. Яркий пример это северный поток, против которого Трамп должен был ввести санкции ещё в начале 2018 года, но так и не ввёл. В конце 2019 года Конгресс включил санкции в оборонный бюджет на 2020 год. Трамп этот закон подписал, но уже тогда эксперты говорили что слишком поздно. Строительство санкциями уже тогда остановить было невозможно. тем не менее в 2020 году история повторилась. Конгресс включил санкции в оборонный бюджет на 2021 год, но Трамп наложил на закон вето. Конгресс вето преодолел, поэтому санкции заработали. Подробности здесь:
    Короче говоря Трамп в данном случае выполнил задание своего начальника Путина. Только благодаря Трампу северный поток удалось достроить северный поток.

  2. 14 февраля 2022, meshko:

    Он при Трампе сидел тихо, потому что Трамп решал для Путина важные задачи вроде расшатывания НАТО, дестабилизации ситуации в Иране и продалбливание Афганистана. Не было никакого смысла ему мешать…

  1. 13 января 2022, Reuters: Cruz's Nord Stream 2 Sanctions Bill Fails in U.S. Senate

    The tally was 55 in favor and 44 against the bill that needed 60 votes to pass, a major hurdle in the 50-50 Senate. ...
    Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat who had originally co-sponsored Nord Stream 2 sanctions legislation with Cruz, voted against his bill saying it risked breaking unity in Washington and in Europe over Russian aggression against Ukraine

  2. Пара комментариев: для тех, кто не знаком с нашими политическими реалиями, - Демократы использовали "филибастер" для того, чтобы заблокировать закон. Ту самую процедуру, которую они еще недавно объявили отрыжкой законов Джима Кроу.

  3. Первый закон о санкциях написал Сенатор Тед Круз, который всегда считал, что действовал в кооперации с Трампом в этом вопросе, несмотря на то, что наши левые друзья точно знают, что Трамп был "вынужден" подписать закон.

Это копия записи https://arbat.dreamwidth.org/1108117.html.
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nord_stream, ukraine, biden, пациент, idiots, oil, war

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