So, my co-workers an I all went to Teikei's to celebrate having survived the holidays. I decided to make a showing out of my eating the entire chunk (portion? glob?) of wasabi on my plate. Straight.
lasiledesfous knows I do this! I did it without flinching or batting an eye. Everyone was all "OMFG, HOLY SHIT, WTF?!" It was awesome. >D Everyone was deeply impressed! ;D
And I've picked up my Kana book again. I'm starting to be able to recognize more Hirangana, yayz! I will say one thing though. After taking French two years in highschool and two years in college, there is no way in the world I shouldn't be fluent. I mean, there are NO complex alphabets to learn. Yeah, an accent here and there, but omg. Trying to learn Japanese makes me realize how much of a lazy retard I was for not learning French. Geh, D:
And WHEN is the Disgaea 4 site going to update with wallpapers?! Yeah the banners are nice, but I want Valbatose on my desktop! >O
Back to memes! :D
30 Days of Music
Day 19: A Song from Your Favorite Album
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BEST. MOVIE. SOUNDTRACK. EVER. End of. Oh God, I love, love, LOVE this entire freaking soundtrack. It's heartwarming, and adventurous and it just has AMAZING FUCKING MUSIC. This definitely my favorite song. ♥
Day 20: A Song that You Listen to When You're Angry
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Who has problems? >_>;;; This song completely turns my mood around. Love it! :D
30 Days of Video Games
Day 19: Picture of a Game Setting You Wished You Lived In
Too Easy! XD
Day 20: Favorite Genre
Oh man, Strategy RPG hardcore. Of course, my vernacular for that is "Tactics Game." I LOVE everything about these games. The chessboard, the customizable characters, team building, the story...EVERYTHING. Plus, most of my favorite games of all are in this genre: Disgaea 1, 2, and 3, pretty much everything NIS Fire Emblem Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones (Radiant Dawn is SO HARD D:) FFT, FFTA, FFTA2, Jeanne D'arc, Luminous Arc 1 and 2 (though easy) and probably a few I'm forgetting. FUCK YEAH TACTICS GAMES! 8D
Wooooo! C'mon, I need me some more Disgaea 4 news! So far Valby sounds like one of the nicest protagonists! And I'm excited to find out more about our pink Angel!