Links links and more links. Oh, and I finished my book.

Aug 11, 2005 16:39

This morning before going to work I finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. I highly recommend it. The book is amazing. It's been awhile since I read a book that could constantly make me laugh outloud, and I'm not afraid to say, even cry at points. It's a very touching story about two jewish kids during WWII making comic books and experiencing life. Read it.

On a side note, I need a new book to read, so if you've got any recommendations, send them my way.

On to the links, what did I read at work today you ask? Lets find out:

Pulp Symptoms - An interesting article about a four part comic series about psychoanalysis. This was not only an interesting read, but strangely relevant to the book I just finished. The article talks about Fredric Wertham and his anti-comic book campaign of the 1950's, which was a large part of Kavalier & Clay. It's worth a look,

Vista DRM - An article about the built in DRM that Windows Vista will be shipping with, and how Microsoft is playing into the hands of the entertainment industry. If you care about your digital rights, I'd suggest you read this.

The Python Challenge - Thinking about learning python? Take the challenge!

Bacon! - Daily bacon recipes. Yummy!

The Gaming Granny - A blog dedicated to a hardcore gaming granny, complete with videos of her cursing at games.

Electric Bug Killing Tennis Racket!?!? - It looks like a mini-tennis racket, but you press a button, and the wires across it pulse with electricity. I need to get one of these. I don't really have a bug problem at my house, but just think about how fun this would be?

Google vs Microsoft - Google and Microsoft faceoff at the golden penguin bowl. Basically a geek quiz challenge.

Xbox 360 DRM - The xbox will be locking itself down with hardware based DRM. Don't pay a licensing fee to microsoft? Things you make won't work on the new xbox. ie. no 3rd party controllers without preapproval from M$

And the most interesting thing I read all day? Fedex Furniture. This guy furnished his entire apartment out of furniture he made from Fedex boxes. He's even got a blog dedicated to the process.

Fedex is none to pleased about the whole thing and is threatening legal action. They claim he's in violation of the DMCA and is infringing on their copyrights.

The Center for Internet and Society Cyberlaw Clinic at Stanford has taking up the case and fired back a letter of their own.

The whole thing is just very odd.
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