in which I (sort of) talk politics

May 09, 2008 13:34

is this for real?????!!!! it's like some sort of right-wing satire. i'd be super-amused to see the Republican version of these books.

despite indirect peer pressure I have not stepped behind a presidential candidate yet. I'll probably end up voting for Obama, although his campaign rhetoric borders on the obnoxious. however, I'm still too under-informed on the actual issues at hand to really make a choice...I'm mostly going by general reputation, and what other people say. I tried looking through the New York Times online for some kind of back-story on the candidates' platform issues, but all they had was rabid coverage of who's winning what state in the caucuses. I suppose we're expected to find that sort of stuff out on our own, through word-of-mouth or something.

dating a Republican/Liberatarian who volunteers for the McCain campaign is making me question some of the political values instilled in me by my parents and the university system. I think this is a good thing.

I miss the Daily Press. It's true; there's no such thing as unbiased journalism, but they're a little more centrist and accessible than the Times. i kind of miss having a really good daily paper around; one that covers the issues and opinions in the Denver/Boulder metro area. The Daily Camera and the Denver Post suck hardcore, and the Colorado Daily hardly counts as an actual newspaper.

i am up to my ass in job interviews and applications. please, please, possibly-existing God, let me hear back from someplace. I interviewed at Target yesterday, and they asked me a bunch of self-incriminating questions like "When did you take personal responsibility for something that went wrong?" I ended up telling a bunch of stories I probably shouldn't have told, but I don't lie well on the spot.
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