Dec 28, 2006 23:19
Well, Christmas was good this year. :) We got to go back to Hali for the weekend (sorry for all those we missed) and spend the holidays with Marc's family! It was a great time. We actually got to spend some time with Ryan and Michelle, which we rarely do, and have a wonderful lobster dinner on Christmas eve! And Santa even made an appearance in church. :) Hooray for Santa! Marc's grandma was up from Pubnico so we even got to see her too, and we haven't seen her since Michelle and Ryan's wedding. It's very difficult to type with a kitty on your hand...But he's too cute to kick off. :) We drove home on the 26th, and man was it shitty out... Blarg freezing rain and snow... :P But we made it home alright, and that's the main thing. The 27th was a bitch though... 12 hour shifts for all (but Marc worked all day), and for the first couple of hours it was nothing but pure insanity. I am thankful I wasn't working customer service this year so I didn't have to deal with any dick heads really. Hey if there are any dick heads reading this, YOU DO NOT TRY TO RETURN ANYTHING UNTIL 2 DAYS AFTER BOXING DAY!!! DO NOT TRY TO RETURN DURING A BIG ASS SALE!! You are dumb, that is all. You are also an idiot if you come in to see if we have any door crashers available in the late afternoon. If you want it, wake up early and stand out in the cold with the rest of the people. :P I wish we could kick people in the shins when they ask a stupid question. I did manage to partake on some of oir crazy deals though and I bought Marc his own nintendo DS (I've wanted mine back for a while but he kept stealing it) and we also bought a brand new 19" Samsung LCD monitor! :) I've wanted a newer and bigger monitor for a while. This thing is awesome!! I even managed to go to the mall and buy the TMNT trilogy cheap from HMV, and bought myself a really cool new DS game called Cooking Mama. It is soooo much fun!! You use the stylus to stir, chop, knead, flip a frying pan, well, practically everything!! It won an award at E3 this year too. :) Well, I am dead tired, and need some well deserved rest...
PS. If any one is doing anything in Fred for New Year's eve, let me know! I want to do something!! Family Guy trivia and booze any one?? Or any other board games?? ;)