Jan 07, 2009 21:24
Title: Ashes to Ashes
Author: Araya
Theme: Ashes
Genre: Angst
Rating: (G - NC-17) PG
Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust; May I pay the dues for the sins of my lust.
It is not over. I know that it is foolish to believe so; but my heart will not relinquish hope. Faith that my queen will rise above, belief that the senshi will overcome, determination that I can triumph; even as my body lies here bruised and broken.
Nephrite stands above me, his sword positioned over my womb. He is speaking but I do not hear. My mind is preoccupied with silent prayers. I cannot bear to look into his traitorous eyes in fear that my heart may break; in fear that I may take the cowards way out.
He tilts his head back and laughs and it is as if a fire is lit inside of me. Suddenly, Nephrite is no longer my former lover but my enemy. It is this that gives me strength. I will not allow him to have the last laugh.
With all the strength I can muster, I raise my arms and grasp the blade of the sword. Blood begins to trickle down the polished silver but I pay it no mind. Nephrite is momentarily stunned but it passes quickly. This is it, it is now or never. With a boldness I have rarely ever felt, I raise my eyes to his and grin maliciously.
“Jupiter Power!”
There is a thundering rush, whether it blood or thunder, I do not know; but there is a bright burst of light and the sword has become a conductor for my powers. Lightening travels from me to Nephrite and then his body is convulsing, his eyes rolling in the back of his head.
My body is failing me; my eyes darkening. With my remaining strength, I thrust the blade through my torso. Nephrite falls on top of me, his body limp, and I cannot resist gazing one last time at his handsome features.
It is almost my time and I wonder if it is my penace for loving him so.