Oct 28, 2018 00:31
Speaking of loops, there are the möbius strips. Never-ending. Infinite. There are also the kleine bottles, the for and while loops in Python. Some I'm aware of. Some I don't have the idea of.
There are also the continuous loops that go on in the head. Sometimes for days. Months. Years, if you never hypothetically type the 'break' function onto your head. Repeats itself. Never really come down to an answer, and you let it be.
One of them says, "I can't do anything well, thus I have to work hard. But then no matter how hard I try, I cannot feel validated enough."
Another goes, "I'm anxious around people, thus I limit my interaction with them, causing me to become even worse in socialization, and in the end more anxious."
Or, "I have to be kind at everyone. Yet no matter how earnest I'm being, I just don't belong to the 'good people' subset."