In accordance to its title, as cliché as it sounds, yes, this post will be about changes.
Changes as in the differences between then and now, my 12 years old self who started up this Livejournal account, my 13 and 14 years old selves who conveniently abandoned it for a while, and this 15 years old self who thinks that it won't hurt to actually use this account to post unimportant shits that matter to me.
It has been three years that has gone really fast. Nowadays I don't even mention or question how fast time goes, it seems that I have accepted my own weird assumption that someone has pushed the universe's fast-forward button. But still, it's still kind of unbelievable that my first post on this site was about how nervous I am to face junior high school. That post is gone now, I probably deleted it because I couldn't stand how laughable it was. Well, junior high school years went... alright, on a very low standard, decent on a normal standard, or fucked up on a high standard. (I pretend I understand what I just typed.)
I am now already in senior high school, which means that myself who started this journal and myself who is now typing this post come from entirely different chapters of life. That's--just how fast time goes. It's unsettling to think about what awaits me when high school is over, though Bangtan says that becoming an adult is alright through their 'Adult Child' mixtape. (I'm not buying it.)
I read some of my old locked posts on this journal and it was amusing. Other than noticing the tendency to be alay I think I can tell how much I've... grown. Emotionally. Because my height doesn't seem to show any increasement in three years. (Cries). (The growth, it's not much).
Twelve-years-old me was this kind of person: extremely closed up, tactful, meticulous, can't stand incompetency, isn't bothered by loneliness, with a love for the unreal (what?). Sounds like describing an old businessman, doesn't it?
Thirteen/fourteen-years-old me was: able to open up a little, has developed this 'so be it' demeanor, nonchalant, absentminded, still loves the unreal like always (what?).
And the fifteen-years-old, well... she is: absentminded at its best, if I used to have the attention span of a goldfish, 15 years old has that of a goldfish on LSD, violating what-used-to-be-life-principles at anytime given, and the math exam result that was handed out today kinda supports the argument that 15 years old is so far the most irresponsible out of the three versions of myself. (but yolo right) (No)
Anyway! Fifteen-years-old is probably also the most laid back so it makes up for the mayhems she causes. My MBTI test results used to be INTJ but now it's INTP. It says something, no?
I don't know whether this post is turning out as how I want it to be or not because I didn't have any plan to begin with. This is probably the most ramutu way of closing a post but,