In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to post more often. Even if it means I only do ridiculous memes. Apologies to anyone who is annoyed by this. :-)
TV Show Meme:
Pick 5 TV shows you love before reading the questions:
1. Doctor Who
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Game of Thrones
4. Friends
Question 1: Who is your favorite character in 2? That’s, like, a three-way tie. Unfair. But I’ll give the advantage to Gold/Rumpelstiltskin.
Question 2: Who is your least favorite character in 1? Martha.
Question 3: What’s your favorite episode of 4? Oh, man. There are way too many. Any of the ones with great Chandler moments are at the top of the list, though.
Question 4: What is your favorite season of 5? Um…not season 2? I think season 1 is my favorite simply because everything is still so new and ‘What the heck?’ and everything.
Question 5: What is your favorite relationship in 3? Daenerys and Jorah. Don’t spoil anything for me if you’ve read the books!
Question 6: Who is your anti-relationship in 2? Neal and Tamara.
Question 7: How long have you watched 1? Hmmm. I started watching it the year the new series debuted with Christopher Eccleston. But I stopped when Rose left. It hurt too much. I do intend to pick back up, though.
Question 8: How did you become interested in 3? Uh…Sean Bean. Hello?
Question 9: Who is your favorite actor in 4? Matthew Perry
Question 10: Which show do you prefer? 1, 2, or 5? Edge goes to Doctor Who on this one.
Question 11: Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? Doctor Who.
Question 12: If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Monica.
Question 13: How would you kill off your favorite character in 5? No. Sawyer was one of the only ones who made it to the end! Forget it!
Question 14: Would a 3 and 4 crossover work? There are so many ways that would go horribly and catastrophically wrong.
Question 15: Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Hmmm. Rose and Captain Jack Harkness.
Question 16: Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5? Aw, man! I love both casts! Give this one to Game of Thrones, though. Simply because of Joffrey.
Question 17: Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? Well…Once Upon A Time doesn’t really have theme music. Although the music used to promote the show when it was just starting was ‘Rescue Me’ by Kerrie Roberts. Fantastic song. As far as an actual theme song goes, though, this one goes to Friends.