So, I figured you guys might be missing your Boo. She is fine. Her grandmother just still needs to be watched, and well, she's the one who gets stuck with it, among other things. I'd give a better update, but I haven't talked to her other than some texting for two weeks, so I don't have more to give you. >>;;
Next time I do talk to her, I can ask her stuff for you guys, though! Anything you wanna know or is maybe time sensitive, I'll try my best to ask her about. BUT,
Make your comments here, so Bek doesn't have to deal with more e-mail than she has to when she does come back. It's gonna be a bitch as is, so I dunno wanna have this post add to it.
Just comment, and I'll tell the Beckaboo how much she is missed, and how much we all hope things get better soon. <3