Title: All in a Day's Work
Author: Aravis Tarkheena
Pairing: Bernard/Tim
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Slash, fluff, sap
Disclaimer: Not mine
Word Count: 400 or so
Author's Notes: Written for
unfulfilled request on
fic_on_demand All in a Day's Work
Tim was half out of his uniform by the time Bernard walked into the ‘mud room’. He was covered from head to toe in dust and dirt. It was caked in thick dark mud around various cuts on his arms, legs and chest. His eyes drooped even as he toed off his tabi.
Bernard pursed his lips.
“I wish we had a hose and a back yard…” he said musingly, not wanting to think of the cleaning all that dust and dirt heralded.
Tim gave him a dirty ‘you would regret it’ look and made his way down the hall into the small shower in the bathroom.
Bernard scrubbed the dirty footprints off the floor while Tim scrubbed the dust off of himself. They both finished about the same time and Bernard caught Tim just before he was about to pull an oversized sweatshirt that had belonged to Bruce over his head.
“Ah ah! Let me clean you up. I’m not sleeping on bloody sheets!” Bernard said in an insistent tone. “That part wasn’t in the ‘So You’re Dating a Superhero’ manual,” he complained lightly as he pushed Tim onto the wooden rail backed chair by the bed.
Tim didn’t even flinch as Bernard applied the antiseptic and bandaged the wounds. He drew in a sharp breath when Bernard put a few of the butterfly stitches on, though. Bernard was pretty sure he wasn’t quiet catatonic, yet.
Bernard let Tim hold onto his shoulder as he stumbled into sweat pants and his sweat shirt. His eyes were mostly closed when Bernard pushed him into bed and dragged the covers up to his chest.
Tim murmured something that might have been ‘thank you’ but was probably some complex code Bernard would need one day to save the world from evil alien overlords.
Bernard had wanted to get some food into Tim before he got him to bed, but by now he knew which battles could be won and which couldn’t. He slipped into his own pajamas and climbed in next to Tim before he flicked the light off.
Tomorrow Tim would eat extra breakfast. Tonight, he could sleep.
Bernard wrapped his arms around Tim and pulled him close, Tim sighed and tucked his head under Bernard’s chin. Bernard smiled and drifted off to sleep.