Christmas Update

Jan 03, 2007 21:51

Stayed home sick from my reception job at Action. Between killer cramps and exhaustion, I felt sleep was the best course of action. Clearly, I should have gotten in my car and just run away while everyone was out.
Dad went out drinking all afternoon. Mom and Joey decided to run up to Taco Bell instead of going out to eat with Dad. He has this very irritating habit of insisting that he is sober enough to drive even when he is buzzed (and he won't let anyone else drive his car).
I also got a ltter from school saying that I am not reaccepted in the dental hygiene program. I got a very well intentioned letter trying to cheer me up, but just reminded me that I am in fact just a loser with a bad case of depression.
So Dad, in his drunken state tries to have a serious talk with me about my future, in which the word failure was repeated many many times. Not to mention that his talks with me are really more didacturns where he can just tell me what he is thinking.
So, with so many thoughts and feelings swimming in my head, I ran to my room and grabbed my scissors and found some release. Six slashes on my forearm.
When mom and joey returned, I was forced to sit thru dinner of taco bell and lots of people talking at me. Needless to say, I went to bed as soon as my mom and brother stopped watching me.

The next day I went to Granpa's and put up the Christmas tree. Mom cooked an actual family dinner. But the day was rather quiet.

On Sunday, I helped my mom with the Christmas Eve Dinner. She was a little trepidatious about my using any sharp objects for peeling the potatoes. But she covered quickly and hide it fairly well. It was Mom, Dad, Joey, Kathy, Matt and myself for dinner. We had more than enough food but not enough that anyone really gorged themselves. After dinner was a rousing round of dominoes. Followed by opening our presents. It was a very Narnian Chrismas for me. It helped that I had my Amazon Wish List. Everything I got was from it. After pressies, we went to Mass. By the time we got back, it was nearing midnight. There was a little chitty chat but Kathy and Matt had to leave for Edinborough for Christmas with his side of the family.

Christmas was very laid back. My Uncle Dan got into town in the afternoon. He came over for some food and games. But only stayed a couple of hours as he had a long drive to Buffalo ahead of him. After Dan left, I joined mom for the Phillips annual Christmas openhouse. Dad, as usual, decided to stay home. Joey wasn't interested. But I hate for mom to have to go alone. So I went and was assulted by the kids. Afterall, I can carry two kids at once. We stayed out late enough that I knew I would be tired at work the next day. But I love the Halloran clan, so it was worth it.

I worked on the 26th and 27th. And the rest I will have to post at another time. Which is logical as it will all have to do with the wedding.
However, I get the distinct feeling that I am boring my friends with my posts. So I may obstain from posting for a while. So until then, Salud.
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