Everything really started twenty-five years ago. The great calamity destroyed a good part of what humanity had spend thousands of years building up. With only a few bastions of civilization remaining, the refugees made their way to the strange coasts of Sindomere.
Originally, Sindomere was a place where the oddities of the human race could find a haven from the harsh judgments of normality. Of course nothing ever goes as planned, and once the refugees arrived, the once prosperous and harmonious country was turned upside down by a newly created and flawed social system. Once everyone was equal; now there are extremes. Rich or poor, there is no in-between.
Thank the Ekklesia for the divide. Like most juntas, they meant well in the beginning -- twelve concerned citizens just trying to keep their society together. But, pro forma, power corrupts. Now they sit in their tower and rule with an iron hand, determined to keep the social hierarchy hierarchical and the newcomers (who aren't so new anymore) out of their business.
In this country, "normal" is not normal. Every person has some sort of supernatural ability, and each citizen has his soul linked to an animal's in his early years. This animals, called phainen, live alongside their human counterpart until he dies, serving not just as companion but also as the secret eyes of the government.
There are many more oddities, but those, you will have to discover yourself. Are you ready to take the journey of a lifetime?
Are you ready for
Sindomere ?
rules .
vocabulary .
faq .
setting This is not MY RPG. However, I am going to be participating for the first time ever... :D So, anyone who would like to join I'd be really grateful!