Last month you were showing me rings and diamonds and telling me you think I'm beautiful. Last month you were talking about weddings and love and hearts and flowers. Last month you led me to believe we would be engaged within months, rather than within years. Last month you made me believe I deserved you, made me believe I was special, made me believe I was worth something.
But now I see it was all just bullshit. I'm not worth anything to you. Not any more. Maybe once I was but now I'm just the girl you're fucking. I'm just the girl you drive crazy with wanting and then throw aside because you don't want me any more.
You have no idea how much it hurt yesterday when you said you'd never marry me.I know I'm not the same girl you fell in love with. But I thought you still loved me. Now it just seems like it's all a pretense. If you've stopped loving me Jer, I have a right to know. Stop faking it and come clean if you don't love me any more just say it. I have options. I may not like them, but I do have them.