I'm Baaaaack!

Nov 01, 2011 23:37

Heya folks! I'm officially back from vacation! I've been back since Friday, but I was taking that time to recover, avoid my flooded email, and gorge on halloween candy.

The trip, for those of you who are wondering, was friggen awesome. Vegas was fabulous, and I would go again for the sole purpose of watching Cirque du Soleil until my eyes bleed. Alex wasn't quite so enchanted, and after getting thoroughly robbed by slot machines, was disinclined to go anywhere near gambling. Which meant that I didn't get a change to gamble what I'd budgeted for, because I didn't want to hang out by myself. *sadface*

Alcatraz was neat, and I wish we'd had more time in San Francisco to explore. It seemed like a really neat city, and it was kinda cool how the neighborhoods changed from practically block to block. Less neat when we wound up in the 'Oh shit we're gonna get mugged, oh shit" section in the middle of the night while on a quest for food, but we escaped unscathed! I was also shocked at how many girls I saw in that area wandering around alone. San Francisco girls are fierce! And likely armed with pepper spray!

We had an interesting encounter with a lady whom I suspect was on something at the movie theater. Having arrived two hours before any interesting movie was going to play, we were sitting around deciding how to kill the time. Then out of nowhere, a young lady sitting a ways off shouted, "You look like a bunch of bullies!" (Which I thought was rather impressive, since I think we look like a bunch of geeks, personally.) She then proceeded to get strangely confrontational when we were understandably bewildered by this accusation, and went on to say several things I did not catch. Something about 'ten years ago' and 'drugs'. There was lots of hand waving and shoutiness, and we decided it might be prudent to come back later. XD

Driving through the Rockies, I have decided that I want to live in the mountains forever. Driving through the blizzard on the way back and almost getting pancaked by a semi, I decided that I only wanted to live in the mountains forever if I worked from home, or did not have to work and could safely hibernate for six months.

Blizzcon was cool! Got lots of neat goodies, got to play some pre-release games, was rocking awesome butterfly facepaint of awesome. One of our friends dropped $700 on a sword, because he is insane.

Discovered there was nothing in Utah but four hundred miles of nothing and a Subway, a gas station, and a Burger King. It had a great many billboards amidst the nothing, proclaiming things like 'Experience Utah!'. I do not think their marketing firm has ever been to Utah, and as such, is strangely optimistic about rocks. Or Subway.

Picked up Game of Thrones on the way home, because I couldn't find a bookstore, and Walmart carries the above, Twilight, and Harry Potter. Was pleasantly surprised! I knew there must be a reason everyone kept going on about those books.

So yes, all in all, vacation was awesome, but I'm glad to be home. That much time on the road is pretty exhausting.

NaNoWriMo kicked off today, and if you're interested in following my progress or reading excerpts, you can do so at my writing journal. You can find today's post here.

Hope everyone's been doing well in my absence! <3

rl, nanowrimo, vacation

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