Jan 19, 2007 17:13
Wow! Six hours in makeup! but halfway through my first day of this three day event. This is soo cool! I'm at a gaming convention and they are demonstrating the wii and the PS3 and I totally kicked this other girl's butt at DDR! All this paint all over me feels weird but it's OK. I have scales! well not real scales, but they painted me in this green and silver paint and it looks so awesome with my hair like I'm some dragon girl or something.
This has been one of the most fun events I have ever worked! Everyone is soo nice and sweet and I've been posing for all these pictures. Oh! And I get to run around with this really cool funky fake sword and chase this other girl, her name is Aoi and she's great. But I get to chase her around with the sword and it is soo much fun!
I wish work was always like this!