It's August. I know I said I'd be writing drabbles for everyone in June, but - as luck would have it - I was so inspired to write these past few months that I applied for a writing contest on another site, and - miracle of miracles - got in. Although I wasn't expecting anything to come out of my random application, this contest actually turned out to be competitive. So, er, they have a strict deadline for that contest, and I've been working as hard on it as I could. Meaning, of course, that other priorities have to take a backseat. (And since the contest follows an elimination system, I might get kicked out of the running early. Who knows?)
For all those who requested drabbles, please don't worry. I'll be working on them as soon as I get my 'stuff' in order. I'm so sorry for the delay.
On my end, there really hasn't been much to talk about. I'm on an extremely long vacation. Some would call me unemployed, but strictly speaking, the economic term unemployed refers to persons who haven't been hired even though they've been looking for jobs. All things considered then, I'm not unemployed, because I'm not looking for a job. I'm just bumming around.
All the free time doesn't naturally equate to productivity though, so yeah. Back to the I-hope-everyone-you-don't-mind-waiting-for-the-drabbles-I-promised statement. I swear I'm doing what I can.
Cheers to all!
Photo (c) Ed Gregory on Stokpic.