Come one, come all, to the land of random gaps (for fall)

May 08, 2010 22:12

Busy busy is the life of a business student. The following will be my schedule for the upcoming summer and fall session

Summer 2010 (All R1 sessions: June 7 to July 9)
MW 9:00-13:00 ETHS 220: Asians in America CA 106
TTH 13:15-17:15 ECON 101: Intro to Microeconomics Analysis TH 329

And I will also try to add BUS 360: Business Communications, either at MW 13:15-17:15 or TTH 9:00-13:00, wish me lucky with this, because the rest of my academic life depends on me getting into this class asap.

Fall 2010 (August 24 to December 13)
M 16:10-18:55 FIN 350: Business Finance BUS 130
TTH 9:35-10:50 MGMT 405: Intro to Management + Organizational Behavior CA 129
T 19:00-21:45 ISYS 363: Information Systems for Management BUS 138+214
W 16:00-19:00 GEAR UP
ONLINE MKTG 431: Principles of Marketing
ONLINE IBUS 330: International Business and Multicultural Relations

At first, I was going to have four out of five of these business classes online, but I swapped sections for the better teachers. Not necessary easier teachers, but those that would actually help my understanding of these classes, except for one. I got stuck with a horrible teacher for Management as I am told, but what can I do? I don't want to slow down my progress just cause I couldn't get into a particular class, when there is another section of it with a crap load of seats. The other thing, I have one class that ends at 10 pm, it's not that bad to only have to go to class once a week for 3 hours, but it's dangerous to be out that late. Hmm, I will most likely swap it for the TTH 11:00-12:15 section with the same teacher to be safer, just got to try and add that. Other than that, I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot for my online courses and GEAR UP (for work), since they are upper division courses, and have 700+ seats. (If somehow, someone ruins this for me, I will murder you all, all jokes aside)

As for work, it will most likely be on MW basis. If you've noticed, I have Fridays free and would love to keep it that way. Also after the fall, I am hoping to only have two business core classes left, BUS 682 and BUS 690, which means I have to talk to an adviser for my concentration classes. If I don't do this, the "lovely" SF State will put an administrative hold on me, until I do so, probably going to talk to one at the beginning of the semester or somewhere in the middle.

sfsu, school, schedule, adviser, fall, 2010, summer, adminstrative hold

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