So I went in to work with Bernie today, figuring it'll force me to actually (hopefully) get some work/writing done.
I did SOME work on the introduction. Not a whole lot, but some. Mostly it was picking through papers and putting in some citations. Haven't found examples of everything I need yet, but I also haven't finished going through all the papers I have.
Here's the updated word count (but remember that 3000 is just an estimate!)
2,202 / 3,000
I've also started the first chapter (the "mini"chapter). I think I'll color-code my word count bars. I'm expecting this one to go 15-20 pages, hopefully. Maybe even 25. It'll depend on what kind of graphics I stick in. So I'll do a word count and a page count.
533 / 3,000
I'll do a page count later, maybe. After I've double spaced it. I'm having trouble focusing right now, anyway.
Hope y'all are having good Fridays!