It's about 10:30 in the morning as I type this. So far, I've:
- fed the dog
- ordered my new phone [0]
- gotten tickets to go see Frenamie play tomorrow [1]
- run 6 miles
- made eggs and biscuits [2] and gravy [3] for breakfast
- enjoyed a nice leisurely breakfast with said eggs and biscuits and gravy with a mug of french roast on the porch
- showered and gotten dressed.
...and I even slept in two hours later than usual for a non-weekend [4].
A year and a half ago, on the first day of a weekend, at 10:30, I would have:
Most of this is a difference in my job schedule-- at AT&T, I was supporting people on the left coast, and I was often starting scheduled maintenance at strange hours of the night, so my job schedule tended towards late. At CSC, my office is in a secure facility, so I couldn't take work home if I wanted to, and our contract isn't funded for 24/7 support, so we're required to do maintenance in the daytime-- and it's an early office. I'm still usually the last person from my team out the door most days.
I've not turned into a morning person, but I do like avoiding the worst of the traffic on my commute.
[0] Decided on the iPhone over an Android this time around. Usually I'm not the early adopter, but I'm thinking if I get the new one this coming week, I'll have the nicer 8MP [5] camera on my phone before I head to the Land of the Magic Rat to see family later this month.
[1] No, I haven't gotten hip or trendy or anything. I know half the band (daughters of a friend of Amy's) and I like their music)
[2] Refrigerated dough from a can.
[3] But this was from sausage, flour, and milk. Not scratch-- I never use scratch; don't keep the stuff on hand.
[4] It's sort of a weekend day for me. My schedule has me working 9 hour days and I get alternate Fridays off.
[5] Which, I should note, is a bigger image than my SLR.