Watching Moiracon with my 9-years-old cousin...

Sep 13, 2009 20:34

...creates awkward questions. We happened to watch Didymoi, then skipped to Elefseus and Heromachia, and stopped afterwards because I wanted to use the computer, and we can't keep explaining to her 8DDD

during Didymoi
*the slideshows of the twins*
Her: They're twins?
Me: Yup.

during Elefseus
Her: That's one of the twins? *points as elef*
Me: Yup.
Her: ...where's the other one?
Me: *was being slow* What?
my sis: Eh? er...
Me: *caught on* Eh? eeerrr....
(we can't simply say "she died", right? :000)

during Heromachia
Her: Who's the bad guy?
Us: HUH? Eeerrrrr....
*confused together* Who?? which one?? no bad guy or good guy in this story-- D:
Her: *points at amethystos* He's the bad guy, right?
Us: Huh?? eerrr... noooo, that's just because they're in a war(????) @A@;;;
my bro: Moira! Moira's the bad guy!
me and my sis: YES! YESSSS!!
Me: Oh, HEIKA! Heika's the bad guy!
uS: HAHAHA YESSS *agrees together*

XDDD today's morale: do not watch SH with kids, NEVER. especially if they're not used to anime and the like. @A@

family stuff, sound horizon

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