Tiger Lily Journal entry1

Apr 12, 2010 05:34

Yesterday I went to get my new kitten thankds to my friend, Niki. I really didn't know what to name her at first but a name came to me as much i tried to deny it.  Tiger Lily.

She has white fur more of an of white to cream with Dark brown at the back of her ears with a "T" like shape on her forehead. Beautiful blue eyes at shine in the light. Only Six weeks old and this little kit is playful then any other cats i own. She has stripes down her legs and more then hafl ways her Tail.

I made a video of her palying with a cat toy. Can this little tiger jump. She leaps up high to catch the string. Besides at least six to seven but deleted those that weren't any good.

Even though her name is Tiger lily She has several nikcnames already. Her introduction with my other cat Furball was tense but fine. Keep you posted of Tiger Lily's progress.

pet, tiger lily, kitten, cat

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