Title: (Multi-chap - 5/10) FRIENDSHIP RULES - RULE #5 - LEARN TO SHARE
Pairing: Ohmiya, Sho/oc female
Genere: romance, comedy, angst
Rating : PG-17 - there's boys love, but also a straight ALMOST sex scene
Beta-editor: Unbeta-ed
Sumary of the chapter: Nino does his best to get into Nina's heart, but get mad when he realizes he's fighting against Ohno.
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Comments 7
I just love people taking care of her!
Thanx for readiiiiiiiiiiing!
aaahhh nina is so lucky she has shiori, even if she keeps hurting shiori unintentally
cant wait for the next chapter
thank you so much for sharing
Who knows?
Keep tracking it!
Ohmiya was really something!
Nino is so afraid of doing something with Oh-chan... Not that he doesn't want it, he just wants to believe he is straight and that's just friendship. But I believe he is really crossing the line right now... Let's see what will come from it.
It's interesting! poor Shiori!! Sho hurt Shiore but He isn't a bad person!!! He was only trying to defend his friend
Now what will happen Shiori, Ohno(poor Ohno) and NINO!!!
I want to read the next chapter soon!!!!
Thank you for your story!!!!! :) :) :)
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