Title: 僕と猫ちゃん Boku to Neko chan (Me and Kitten)
pairing: Aiba Masaki/ Ninomiya kazunari
rating: NC-17.
genre: bdsm. pr0n with feelings...
私を縛ってくださいWatashi o Shibatte kudasai series.
warnings: bdsm. dom!Aiba. hurt/confort. newbie at writing.
Summary: based on : Irasshaimase goshujin-sama (いらっしゃいませ御主人様) chatacters. Aiba goes to a play party with his cat.
notes: It's kind of prequel, is written on that verse. I encourage to read the original fic and then read this. Is divided into two chapters, the original work has 21970 words! so if I pretend to make good stories I'll try with long chapter. Again I take a chance with a different genre, and I'm never had written this genre before... wish me luck.
"Cats own their masters not the other way around "