「Eternal Bond With A Guardian Angel」《Chapter 2 - First Touch》

Nov 24, 2019 01:56

Title:: Eternal Bond With A Guardian Angel
Pairing:: Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari
Genre:: royalty!au, slavery!au, angst, romance, drama
Lenght:: chaptered
Word Count:: 4006 words
Rating:: PG-13
Note:: this is a remastered version of the posted and unfinished fic, The Days Became A Story.
Summary:: Centuries ago, the country was controlled by Lords who used slaves for multiple tasts. As they weren't considered as humans, they could be tortured and raped that no one would stop them. And in the middle of that, Ninomiya Kazunari was sold to Lord Imada, having to live the worst of the worst in order to survive another day. Until his execution for rebellion arrived and unexpectedly, his guardian angel appeared to save and protect him from that world full of despicable monsters. No matter if after falling in love with him would mean to have to pay a big price.

Chapter 2 LJ // AO3

Chapter 1 LJ // AO3

au, rating: pg-13, genre: angst, nino-centric, genre: romance, genre: drama, genre: historical fiction, pairing: ohno satoshi/ninomiya kazunari, length: chaptered

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