Title: piano e forte
Pairing: Sho/Nino
Rating: R
Word count: 10K+
Summary: Nino joins this piano contest solely for the prize, and maybe for the fame. He doesn’t expect to get thoroughly distracted and to compete against Sakurai Sho, an old friend-or can he say ex-boyfriend-and his strongest rival.
Notes: A completed short series for Sakumiya prompts at # Arashiweek, tagged with getting back together and some emotional h/c. Posted at
AO3 and in chapters with
master post at dw.
Title: A Day in Purple
Rating: G
Word count: 420
Summary: A thread of (silly) | haikus series for Jun’s | birthday in August.
Notes: Featuring random quotes, song lyrics, and references. Originally updated daily on twitter and reformatted for easier navigation @
AO3 and