Title: Anonymous
Pairing: Aiba Masaki/SPOILER
Genre: Mystery/Romance/Office AU
Rating: PG13+
Beta: arashikuro <3
Summary: Aiba Masaki works for a prestigious and severely strict company where flaws lead to imminent dismissal. When a mysterious phone number appears to have stolen Aiba's phone number and begins to message him, Aiba must choose if he would rather ignore a stalker or answer to their cry for help, all while he undergoes the task of uncovering their identity.
A/N: Chapter 9 is here. A very special thanks to my friend Dhay for her help ^^ Right text is Aiba. MOBILE VIEW RECOMMENDED. As indicated above, this fanfiction is mystery genre. THE PAIRING WILL NOT BE SPECIFIED IN THE FANFICTION DESCRIPTION, EVER. If you want to know the mystery, you must read. I want you to have fun with it. Thanks! I hope you enjoy! I don't own them, sadly.
Chapter 1-
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AO3 Chapter 9 -
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