Title: When You Wish Upon A Star [Chapters1&2/??]
saku062 Beta-reader:
cherry_armrest (Thank you <3)
Pairing: Sakuraiba (mainly), Ohmiya, Sakumoto (one-sided?), and others!! (It's very complicated)
Rating: PG, PG-13 (for now)
Genre: Crack, Romance.
Summary: What would happen, if your life wasn't the same as the night before? (Yeah I know, summaries don't like me T_T)
Disclamer: I own nothing. Just the idea, and if I really owned these guys...*smirk* This story is pure fiction.
Note: My first post here, I hope everything is according the rules, if not I'm sorry ^^" I know this story is a bit confusing, but it's wanted and I hope you'll like it!
I post the two first chapters, the first one is online for a moment, but I was a little shy to post it here XD
Previous chapter:
Chapter 1 Here's the second chapter:
Chapter 2 Cross-posted on jent_fanfics, sorry ^^'