Title: In Dreams to Come ~夢でいいから~
Title (romaji): In Dreams to Come ~yume de ii kara~
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Friendship, Drama, Self-actualisation, Romance
Episodes: 7
Broadcast period: 2009-May-12 to 2009-Jun-23
Air time: Tuesday 23:00 (+0800 GMT)
Theme song: Friendship by Aiba Masaki
Insert songs:
Episode 01 - A.Ra.Shi by Arashi
The story takes place in Sapporo, the capital city of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. It explores the hopes and journeys of five young men who have arrived at new places in their lives, and by some stroke of fate they come to live together when one of them puts up rooms for rent... --
oviparousfic Episode Listing
Episode 01 (~20 000 words, five parts)
まだまだ世界が終わらない 今から始めてみればいいじゃない? This world hasn’t ended yet - shall we take it from here and see how it goes?
Author's Notes
As you can see I've formatted this to look like one of those entries on DramaWiki. DON'T SUE ME AHAHHAHAA.
Note: Total word count for this whole fic is about 70 000. No pairings (unless you count Matsujun x OC and Ohno x OC). PG-13.
Note 2: Please remember that 'yume de ii kara' is NOT a translation of 'in dreams to come'. Thank you.