Oneshot or 4 drabbles: 1537 twc
Pairs: Four of them, perhaps, all involving Nino...
Rating: G to Pg-13 (nakedness, and suggestive shampooing...)
Genre: Crack, comedy (?) fluff....and more crack.
DC: I don't own Arashi, this is not related to the band in any real way, shape or form, and is not to be taken seriously, or with tequila.
Note: Once again
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How in the world did you find the time to write this little masterpiece (Timeless!) in the midst of the the upcoming Sakuraiba day? ILU♥ and I love every part of this story (which, btw, is entirely a result of your own awesome genius <3)
srsly CSL through the Jun+scissor sneak attempt--
“Oh, you’ve found my lost scissors!” Jun exclaimed, snatching back the pair before Nino had a chance to arm himself. Crap that was horrible, I sounded like Aiba. “I’ve been looking all over-”
XDD, 'Oh, you've found my lost scissors!!' omg, I don't know why, but that's the most hilarious line ever. Plus, I wonder if Ohno doesn't secretly have a fetish of his own for those emo bangs. ^^
The Sho-Nino massage was HOT. SHO of all people! for some reason it surprised me (I knew it wasn't Ohno, but hadn't yet caught on the the one part per member hair-love format ^^). And then!
“Aiba, you pervert! How many times do I have to tell you to stop watching me shower!” Nino kicked the wall and Aiba fell from his perch, still giggling. “And stop with the gross giggling!”
And I'm cracking up again because... AIBA. watching Nino shower on a regular basis. Perhaps getting massages from Sho himself afterward. Nino probably forcing Ohno to learn how to give massages like Sho does *_* aklj;gflsdgkj! almost indirect OT5!!! or four, but I'm sure Jun can fit in there somewhere--he just can't bring his beloved scissors^^
Finally, this was CLASSIC in the way that only fic about Nino's hair could be (yes, I am def. putting this in my memories!) THANK YOU FOR WRITING! <3
Lol...Ohno can't really say anything negative about Nino's hair...when he does, he wakes up blonde. XD
Surprised really? Good, thats what I wanted. XD
CSL...that made me think of Aiba getting massaged by Sho while watching Nino shower. (but then, when Ohmiya showers together, its like free porn so...XD) But yes, I'm sure Ohno had to give many shampoos after that. XD
I wonder if this is as close as I'll get to writing true OT5's...(Jun wants to cut it off out of love you know. XD)
Lol...writing Nino hair centric fic is bizarre, not classic. XD And it doesn't deserve a spot in the memories (but it makes me giddy that you found it worthy to grace that hall of fame. ^__^)
You're welcome, and thank you for giving me the inspiration, and for commenting again to bost my ego :D
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