Title: Ties
Author: everystarrfall
Word Count: 3,094
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Rated NC-17 for good reason, for tie and tease, orgasm denial, biting/marking, and anything else my twisted mind felt like coming up with. I don't know how everyone else got cool, creative muses, but all mine understands is rough sex apparently, so take it or leave it; if that's not your thing, don't let my dirty mind corrupt your clean one by reading further. :3
Summary: Genre: PWP. Summary? HA, I laugh at you silly people with your cleverly constructed plotlines!
Disclaimer: I don't own, nor am I affiliated with, Arashi, JE, etcetcetc. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Probably good. Yeah, let's go with that.
Notes: I ramble; see my LJ for the notes this time. x_x; But I can't say thanks enough to
maiaidefor the beta. <3
All things considered, it was a fairly normal day, which is precisely what angered Nino. )
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