As requested by a few people, here is Wii CM 9 in HQ! The CMs are continuing and lets hope it'll never end ne!
Wii CM 9 - Jungle Jump
While Nino-chan looks at his remote like it's not his fault, dear Sho-chan and Aiba-chan are laughing like crazy! (thankful that it's not their turn doing the FAIL :P)
Raw: Arashi_no_jidai
Translations: Adapted from barbosa2007 (View the original translations
here and send her some love~ ^^)
Timing/Typesetting: arashilovezs
Single filePassword: jun91e
You can get CMs 7, 8, 10 and 11
here Have fun watching our pretty boys~!
PS: Did anyone watch MS?!?!? Sho-chan's hair is TO DIE FOR and the stories were SOOO funny~!