Title: Second Chance
Author: Arashiku's Emi :D
Genre: Romance, Comedy, and AU
Pairing: ChinenX?, (slight) Inoodai
Rating: PG or PG13
Warning: None (unless you count OOC characters XD)
Disclaimer: Only in my dreams :)
Summary: Festival is here! A new group people join this story. The cashier boy is finally revealed. Some evil scheming?!
A.N.: This chapter revolves mostly around the new people I threw in here. They might just end up being background characters though. XD I'm sorry, but it's just that it gets a lot harder with more characters!
Previous Chapters:
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Here's the newest one:
"Festival?" Chinen cocked his head, talking on the phone.
"Hai, can you come? All the others are going to be there. It's tomorrow." Yuto answered.
"Mmm, okay. I think I can come."
"Great! See you there!" He hung up.
One week of school and he became really close friends with Yamada, Ryutaro, Yuto, Keito, Hikura, Takaki, and Yabu. It turns out they were all friends. Bizarre, no? Strangely enough, Chinen had made no girl friends. It's not that he hasn't been nice to them, but they always seem to avoid him. Wonder why...
"Where are they?" Chinen wandered through the festival.
"Would you like a picture?"
Chinen turned around. He faced a cute, smiling boy. He seemed so familiar. Why? Then he remembered. He was the cashier boy, but Chinen didn't recognized him right away because he changed his hair. It was now brownish-orange in color. It was sort of blown-up (sorry, i don't know how to describe his hair lol XD).
"Oh, you're that pad girl." He said blankly.
Chinen blushed, "Do-don't call me that!"
The guy cocked his head to one side. "Ne, then what should I call you?"
"Ch-Chiinen Yuuri."
"I'm Ohno Satoshi." He smiled.
"Hai, Chinen-kun?"
"What are you doing in the festival?" Chinen walked next to Ohno, trying to get a clearer view of what he was doing.
"Oh, I'm drawing."
Ohno nodded. "Yeah, I want to be an artist or a fisherman. Fishing is fun."
Ohno smiled and drifted off into his thoughts, thinking about fishing. Chinen looked at portraits around him.
"Eh, Ohno-kun is amazing." Chinen gasped.
"You think?"
"Oh-chan, who's that?"
Chinen turned around. There was another boy, around Ohno's age and height with jet black hair. he was carrying a guitar with him. He shot Chinen a suspicious look.
"Oh, Nino! This was the pad girl I was talking to you about, Chinen-kun."
"I see." He kept giving Chinen a weird look.
"Nice to meet you." Chinen bowed. "I'm Chinen Yuuri."
Nino stared Chinen down, making Chinen feel very uncomfortable.
"I'm Ninomiya." Nino said gruffly.
Ohno was not taking any notice of the conversation Nino was having with Chinen. He was back to daydreaming about fishing.
"Um, I think I'll leave now..." Chinen said, backing away form Nino.
Nino ignored him. "Oh-chan, I wrote a new song. Wanna hear it?"
"Eeh~ that was such a bad situation!" Chinen sighed. "What did I do wrong?"
Like the girls in my class... What do I keep on doing wrong?
"I guess it can't be helped." Chinen puffed his cheeks in defeat.
Chinen continued to walk through the festival, trying to find his classmates. While walking around, he stumbled across a little lost puppy who was cowering under a car.
"Hey, there." Chinen knelt down near the little dog. "Are you lost? Come on out of there. It's not nice being all alone, ne?"
Chinen stuck out his hand. The dog crawled on its belly and sniffed at his hand. Slowly, began to wag its tail and finally emerged out from under the car.
"There, there. You're quite cute. Your owner must be devastated to discover your disappearance."
Chinen rubbed the dog's head. In return, the puppy licked his hand.
"Let's see what your name is..." Chinen lifted up the dog tag around the dog's neck. "Hacchan? Is your name Hacchan?"
The puppy barked excitedly when Chinen called its name.
"Hacchan! Hacchan! Where are you?"
A tall, brown haired boy was calling out in the crowd.
"Looks like your master has found you, Hacchan. Let's go greet him."
Chinen picked up the leash that was connected to Haccahn's collar and they walked over to the boy.
"Is this your dog?" Chinen asked.
"Ah! Hacchan!"
The boy immediately got on his knees and hugged the puppy. The dog was giving the boy slobbery, wet kisses, wagging his tail furiously.
"Thank you! THANK YOU!" The boy got up and pulled Chinen in a tight hug.
"Don't mention it." Chinen awkwardly patted the guy on the back.
"...You smell nice." the guy said abruptly.
"E-eh?" Chinen blurted out, blushing very hard. "um, thank you?"
Sensing the discomfort in Chinen's voice, he let go at once.
"Wait! Don't take it the wrong way! I'm not a pervert, okay? It's just that you smell nice, that's all..."
Chinen couldn't help but to laugh.
"Uh, did I do something wrong?" the guy scratched his head.
"N-no, you didn't do anything wrong." Chinen managed to say through his giggles. "Here. Take your dog back."
Chinen handed him the leash. The guy gratefully took it.
"I never seen you around. You new here?"
Chinen nodded, no longer laughing.
"Then I've got to show you around!" The guy smiled widely.
"No, you don't-"
"Please? Think of it as a token of gratitude!"
The guy shot Chinen a cute puppy dog face.
"Okay." Chinen agreed, not being able to resist.
The guy grinned happily. He took Chinen's hand and dragged him off to where ever.
Finally, they stopped at this place with a huge banner that read "27th Beauty Contest!!".
"Shoooo-chaaaaan." The guy waved at the judges. "I found Hacchan!"
"Masaki!" The judge jogged over. "Be more careful next time!"
The guy named Masaki smiled sheepishly at the judge. "Gomen, Sho-chan."
"Who's that?" The judge pointed to Chinen.
"Oh! She found Hacchan for me! Her name is, uh, is um... What's your name?" He gave Chinen an embarrassed smile.
"Baka!" The judge whacked him on the head. "You don't even know her name?"
"I didn't mean to just drag her off! She was so nice and not to mention she smelled really nice-"
The judge whacked him again. "Are you crazy? She probably thinks you were sort of pervert trying to kidnap her!"
The judged bowed deeply. "I'm so sorry for my friend's incompetence. I'm Sakurai Sho and this is Aiba Masaki."
"But she wasn't upset! She was laughing!" Aiba whined rubbing his head in pain.
"Probably at your ignorance, that's why." Sho huffed.
"Sho-chan always has to use big words." Aiba pouted.
"They only seem big because your brain can't comprehend what I'm saying." Sho argued back.
"You two are fighting?"
"Ah! Jun-kun! I found Hacchan. Thanks to...um, we still don't know your name." Aiba said meekly.
"Chinen Yuuri. Pleased to meet you." Chinen smiled at them.
"I'm Matsumoto Jun. Nice to meet you too." Jun smiled back at Chinen.
"You should definitely enter the contest, Chinen-kun!" Aiba exclaimed.
"You would have a chance." Jun added thoughtfully.
"There's no way I can compete. I'm sort of looking for my friends." Chinen refused the offer.
"Well, if you say so..." Sho rubbed his chin.
"Has the contest started yet?"
"Nino? I thought you were playing your guitar." Jun turned around.
"Yeah, but I guess I could spare a couple yen. (I just realized in chapter 3 i put dollars and cents when it's suppose to be yen! Gah! I'm so stupid! ><)" Nino shrugged.
"And we wanted to see Jun-kun win!" Ohno added cheerfully.
"Oh yeah! I found Hacchan you guys! Chinen-kun here helped me! Chinen-kun this is-"
Nino interrupted Aiba. "We already met."
Ohno nodded enthusiastically. "Mhm! She's that pad girl I told you about!"
Chinen blushed a deep shade of red.
"Oh, so she's the one." Jun said.
Chinen blushed even more.
"Nino, why are you glaring at Chinen-kun?" Aiba asked bluntly.
"Not every girl is going to steal Ohno from you." Jun rolled his eyes at Nino.
"I guess you would know, MatsuJun."
"What's that suppose to mean?!"
"The contest is going to start soon!" Sho declared, in hopes of stopping the two from arguing.
"Chinen-kun, why don't you stay and watch?" Ohno asked, receiving a glare from Nino.
"Yeah, it'll be fun!" Aiba agreed.
"Unless, of course, Nino has a problem with it." Jun smirked.
"What problem?" Nino answered hotly.
"It's settled then. Chinen can stay here until her friends find her. Its dangerous for a girl to be wandering around by herself." Sho shot a sideways glance at Aiba.
"I'm telling you, I WASN"T BEING PERVERTED!" Aiba roared.
Jun, Ohno, and Nino were taken back by Aiba's sudden outburst.
"Aiba-chan was being perverted?" Ohno asked innocently.
"Eh? I-"
"How many times is this? The fourth? Fifth?" Nino cut Aiba off, sneering.
"No, you guys-"
"Is Aiba crushing on Chinen?" Jun smiled.
Aiba gave a defeated moan and buried his face in Sho's shoulder. Sho patted Aiba's back, trying to comfort him.
"I know you all love to to torture Aiba-chan-"
Another moan.
"-but cut him some slack. And I've got to go and start the contest." Sho said.
"Oh right, Sho-kun is the MC." Ohno thought out loud.
Sho nodded at Ohno.
"Go find a place to watch and don't even think of messing with Aiba, Nino." Sho raised an eyebrow at Nino.
"Fine." Nino grumbled.
Sho jogged back to the judging table and spoke into the microphone:
"I think it is about time to start the Beauty Contest so without any further ado, let us begin!"
The contest was very interesting. It was divided into six parts. They were the "Children", "Teen", and "Adult". Each one was split up between male and female. Jun obviously participated in the "Teen" section.
Chinen had decided to stay with them. They probably wouldn't have let him go either way (except for Nino, but he reluctantly let him stay). Chinen was actually looking forward to the contest. He was also hoping that his classmates might be in it.
The contest ended and none of his classmates were in it. He needed to go home soon. He promised Masuda he wouldn't be out too late and that he'll come home to keep her company.
"Gomen, minna." Chinen bowed. "But I have to go now."
"Bye, Chinen-kun." Ohno smiled.
"See you another time." Aiba waved.
"Hope we'll meet again some time." Jun nodded.
"Another time, then." Sho elbowed Nino.
"What?" Nino hissed.
"Say goodbye." Sho hissed back.
"Fine, fine." Nino pouted. "Goodbye, I guess." He grumbled.
Chinen nodded and waved. He turned around and walked halfway out of the festival when a hand stopped him.
"Hey, there you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Yuto grinned.
"Yuto! Keito!" Chinen said startled.
"Hi, Chinen." Keito smiled.
"Hey! Guys! We found her!" Yuto shouted over his shoulder.
Like a swarm of bees, Yamada, Ryutaro, Hikura, Takaki, and Yabu appeared from nowhere and surrounded Chinen.
"Where have you've been? We couldn't find you anywhere!" Yabu exclaimed.
"Well, we found her now. Let's have some fun." Yamada suggested.
"Don't just stand there, let's go!" Hikura grabbed Chinen's hand.
"Ano, I can't..."
"Huh? Why?" Takaki asked.
"Well, I 'm suppose to go home now."
"Oh." Hikura let go of Chinen.
The atmosphere suddenly seemed to darkened.
"Fine." Ryutaro broke the silence. "But you owe us a favoer, Chinen."
"A favor?" Chinen repeated.
Ryutaro nodded and smirked. "Next time, you owe us all dates!"
"Dates?" Then Chinen smiled. "Okay then. We should all go somewhere next time, my treat."
"Wait, Chi-"
"See you guys!" Chinen waved and took off.
"Urgh." Ryutaro slapped his forehead, "He misunderstood what I meant."
"She's a bit dense, huh?" Yamada sighed.
"What's this? You guys like her?" Hikura sneered.
"What? No! It-it's not what you think!" Yamada exclaimed, getting very flustered .
"There's no way I like her." Ryutaro mumbled.
"It's okay if you do." Takaki patted Yamada.
"Yeah, it's fine." Keito and Yuto said in unsion.
"Daijoubu!" Hikaru and Yabu sang out loud.
"You guys are nuts!" Ryutaro and Yamada scolded them.
"This just a whole lot more interesting, ne?" Inoo smirked.
"I don't think Chinen is dense. He probably hasn't accepted the fact he's a girl yet." Daiki said thoughtfully.
Inoo nodded. "So he can't bring himself to think that those guys like him?"
"Most likely."
"So...should we tell him?"
"Let him figure it out himself. He won't believe us."
"Makes it funner to watch." Inoo smirked.
"You're going to push them together, aren't you?"
"You can read me like a book. But it'll be exciting to see what will happen."
"Inoo, I am pretty sure guardian angles do not mess with their humans."
"Dai-chan, there's no rule against it."
"Yes there is."
"But I'm helping him get used to his girl life."
Daiki sighed. "I'm not covering for you if you make a mess out of this."
The two angels drifted behind Chinen, who had no idea what Inoo was planning for him.
How was this chapter? Why not answer some questions to share your opinions! (Note* the questions are optional and you do not need to answer all)
1. I tried my best to fulfill the your requests! >< How am I doing so far?
2. Who would you like to see more in the story? (I am not asking for who you want, too many people already! But I will put in the people you have already requested.)
3. What will Inoo do?
4. Have I kept you waiting for too long? (Sorry, bro's computer. Not mine)
Now I have ran out questions. o.O That was really short... Oh well. On the bright side, I'mma getting my computer soon >:D Boo yas! You know what that means right! I'll tell you anyways! I get to write more! maybe
I don't have much more to say now... Be on the lookout for Chapter 6! Or maybe don't. It might not come out for another er couple days...weeks.......months
Anywho! Look at the time! I've got to run! See you next time!
~Emi (NOT Michi)