Title: Top Secet
Author: Arashiku's Michi (Not Emi)
Genre: Romance? Humor? No Idea. :P
Rating: PG. Totally Safe.
Disclaimer: I Wish I Did. They Are Mine In My Dreams.
Pairings: Yamachii, Very Slight Daichii and Ohmiya
Summary: Chinen is hiding something. Yamada wants to know. But apparently its classified as "Top Secret". A special appearance by two
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1. Are you gonna comment?-yes and i already did! Your fic is awesome~! XDD I luv it!
2. Did you like this oneshot?-most!
3. Should I make a sequel?-you should and add more fluff~!
4. What HSJ pairing do you want me to write?-Yamachii,Yamajima,AriYama...i know this might sounds weird but...InooYama or InooDa...as in Inoo and Yamada..! I love Yamada Ryosuke, by the way~! ^0^
5. Should I make a multi-chapter HSJ fanfic?-Yes! And if you do so, can't wait to read~! ^0^
6. Do you love Chinen? >.< (How can you not??)- I love Chinen but sorry to say, i love Yamada Ryosuke more.LOL *hides from you ( ... )
So sorry for the late reply D: Glad you liked it ^^ I have a HSJ fic in mind for writing I'll be sure to add some of those pairings :) haha you don't have to hide from me. Why do people always hide from me jsut because we don't agree on one little thing XD haha. Oh well :P There is only a need to hide if something DARES insult or bash or be mean to or not being nice or being hateful towards Arashi or Chinen :DD No worries.
Thanks for readin, asnwering my stupid questions, and commenting!!! >< Yes, I THINK Yamachii is my fav HSJ pairings :P hehe not sure ^^'
~Michi (Not Emi)
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