Aug 07, 2008 18:53
i am so tired =_='
after my grandma left, i wasn't really able to sleep so i took a shower and was on the computer for a bit before deciding i should try to get to sleep. Around 3, right when I was almost about to fall asleep though, I heard my grandpa yelling. I thought I was dreaming at first until he yelled again, so I went out to the living room, and my grandparents were back. We had to help my grandma into bed, and then I went to sleep a bit before 4 ...before waking up to Kevin calling me around 10 because I hadn't known if i'd have to take the bus to school. I didn't though since my grandpa came back so...yay?
Anyways, it turns out my grandma broke her arm. The humerus (the bone between the shoulder and the elbow) =X
Today, she went to the doctors (i think because she had cataract eye surgery planned? but I'm really not sure since I wasn't home and no one tells me anything anyways -_-''') All I know is, my uncle said they called an ambulance to take her since she can't walk with just one arm (she uses a walker to walk around). She left around 4:30pm i think, and came back around 6:30 in an ambulance again. They set her on one of our living room chairs, and now she's resting.
Today at work, was stressful too. It's the end of the semester and bio/chem class people have to complete 15 hours of PLATO Lab (it's a computer lecture-program thingy). Well...of course everyone waits till the last minute (the last day to complete hours is next wednesday) and today we had a waitlist of over 40 people D; Also, we've been having problems logging people in. We have 40 licenses for the program, but the computers take a bit to reset after someone logs out, and so even though all the computers aren't taken, it takes a while for people to log into the program. ...of course people don't understand this and are like OMG WHY IS THE LIST SO LONG?!?! OMG THERE ARE EMPTY COMPUTERS WHY AREN"T YOU CALLING PEOPLE?!?! GRAHGRAHGRAH!!!
...i'm sorry you waited so long to get your hours done and are now panicking, but WE ARE HAVING PROBLEMS SO STFU!! A couple of girls gave Manny some attitude, and didn't believe him when he said that YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS LOGGING IN. So...he gave this one girl a computer and LO AND BEHOLD! ...she had trouble logging in (*gasp* who'da thunk it eh? >.>' ) and he was like *grumble grumble i hate people that have an attitude, and see, i told her she was going to have trouble grrr *grumblegrumble* ). So...yeah I spent my whole day in the lab helping out and listening to people bitch and complain. And then there were like 4 people that DIDN'T COME when I CALLED THEIR NAMES 4-5 TIMES! ...and then 10 people later they're like OMG YOU DIDN'T CALL US. ...uh...yeah, i did, you just suck -.-' I wanted to put them at the end of the list, but Manny just told me to give them the next available computers -_-' *sigh*
after work, i went to go cash my paycheck at IndyMac, luckily I had no problems (because I had all of $6 in my wallet heh)
and after that I found Kevin and went to his house for a while to just relax for a bit before going home.
*sigh* i hope tomorrow and the rest of the weekend is going to be better D;
bad day,