cleaning...still XD

Jan 20, 2008 16:14

fwaaaah i haven't been updating on lj much as of late ^^; 
mostly due to the fact that my mom and i are STILL cleaning 8D 
It's been more than two weeks now and we're still not done -_-;
and so far i've managed to bruise myself in the same place on BOTH shins (due to there being a big plastic container that i forget is in the kitchen next to the cabinet...therefore whenever i get the dishes out i crack my shins into it ;o; ). 
i've also managed to cut myself in three different places due to cleaning a broken glass table >.>' (small cuts but they hurt like crazy when i got them...)
i've inhaled enough dust to sneeze out a life sized dust bunny (NO LIE MAN D=)
i got attacked by ancient dust bunnies yesterday while cleaning an air vent D;
oh...and we've been cleaning the cupboards which have paint from like the '50s know what that means? LEAD ;o; least the house looks neater, and things are less dusty, and a lot of useless stuff got tossed out ^^'s like neverending, there's STILL tons of stuff to sort through and scrub etc.

hrm...the past couple of weeks have been busy XD i went out alot with Linda and Kevin S. since they were only here for a bit before heading back up north to school.

erm...lately i've been playing a lot of guitar hero 2. I'm 31 out of 40 songs done on expert and ...well...kind of stuck ><'

a few weeks ago while at Michael's (kevin's friend's) house he was playing some SNES games that he downloaded onto his wii...which gave us some nostalgia for the oldddddd stufff <3 Kevin found his SNES and I've been trying to search for mine for a bit. Well...yesterday i FOUND IT!!!! haha I'm taking it home so my mom and I can play later tonight :3 (ah...the memories XD)

hrm... and now... off to see if i can discover some more stuff :3

random, cleaning

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