Oct 11, 2007 21:42
ugh... i have a cold...luckily it's finally getting better! my throat isn't as sore, i can (mostly) breathe, my nose isn't running atm, no more fever, no more headache and i don't feel as icky as i did yesterday!
anyways enough of that XD
so, for my birthday on Sunday, Kevin took me out to Yokohama Kaigendou (i...think that's what the place was called). it's the restaurant next to mitsuwa in little tokyo. it was 6:30 and the place closes at 7 so there was NO one there...at all o-o;
well...at least that means we didn't have to wait long for food and stuff XD.
After that, we went to the arcade on the second floor so that he could work on his sociology project (in which he had to invade people's personal space)...however, he didn't actually work on it because he saw the new Max Tune 3 games...and squeed...and played XD.
after that he was dead set on getting me cake (for what reason, i have nooooo clue ._.' ) so... we went...to several places before he gave up and we went to Norms and ordered milkshakes (zomg they're HUGE...neither of us finished our shakes!) before he took me home.
Monday was Kevin's birthday, so we went out around 6 or so. Turns out he had to go to the mall so...off to the mall to shop for other people's birthday presents we went (isn't that odd? XD). After the mall we went back to his house and watched Heroes, then hung out for a bit before he took me home...not nearly as eventful as his party on Friday, but still, at least it was something? *is fishing here XD*
as for school... i had a speech! my first real one for speech class! It was a narrative speech and I did it on Jrock revolution (or...more specifically the crazy guy we encountered). sadly... i think i went over the 2-3 minute limit...which means my grade is going to be docked almost in half *cries* at least i talked fast? =/ and i was the first one up for the day...with a cold, that did NOT make me a happy camper -.-'
oh yeah, and my mandarin teacher...is making me feel like a goody goody now XD...mostly because she ranted about the class not finishing homework at home...so she ranted for like MINUTES, and then decided to check everyone's homework...only 3 people actually did it ._.' (ehehe... i always do my mandarin homework in japanese class, since araki-sensei doesn't really have me do all that much most of the time).
Speaking of japanese class...the "new" guy that added late...annoys me ><' he comes to tutoring often, but i SWEAR he's not learning anything...or even really trying D:. He doesn't even have the freaking workbook...and is like hinting that i should give him one (um...no... you can't have mine, for one, it's all filled in with my really crappy 8th grader handwriting...and TWO, you already HAVE MY FUCKING TEXTBOOK! FOR FUCKS SAKE USE IT ONCE IN A WHILE ><')
*breathes* ... seriously I even went through the trouble of printing out the sheets that Adrienne made up (THANKS again for them!!) and...he's like "heh, yeah, i'm really going to learn these on my own" ...um...well, me and all of the rest of us have managed to pretty much learn them on our own...so...it's not impossible -.-'. and those worksheets are basically like what's in the workbook (that you DON'T HAVE BECAUSE YOU SUCK JUST THAT MUCH) and they're damned helpful so USE THEM (oh...did i mention that he left most of them AND his hiragana chart on the table in the learning centre? ...how are they going to be of any use to you that way hmmmm?!)...oh...and he doesn't really seem to pay much attention in class either. he comes in late, (how the hell are you LATE? I KNOW you're around before class starts because YOU WERE IN THE LEARNING CENTRE WITH ATOM!!! I SAW/TALKED TO YOU!!!!!><') ...and he leaves during class...for rather lengthy periods of time ...
and... gahhhhh!!! *stabbity* ><''''
can you tell i'm juuuust a bit annoyed? i mean, if you're behind...you try and catch up, not stay behind and STAGNATE not doing anything ><'
I much prefer the Yun Ting (the old chinese guy)...at least he tries, and eventually he remembers stuff D=
...i now know what teachers feel like when they see students that don't try ><'
it's frustrating as hell D:
anyways...that's enough of my ranting... i don't THINK i've got much more to say atm so...i'll just shut up now 8Dv