...zomg, i feel like stabbing myself in the head with a spork -________-;;;;;

Jul 31, 2007 11:30

anyways, my grandma's still not out of the hospital yet. She sounds a lot better, apparently it was like...a kidney infection and a UTI or something like that. Some other stuff too i guess, but not like anyone tells me anything so... >.>' My grandpa has been going to the hospital every morning around 10:30 and he come's back around 10:30 at night... =/

Oh yeah, did i mention? no one besides my one uncle, my grandpa, my mom and I know that she's even in the hospital. And my mom didn't even find out till she came for dinner on Sunday...suffice it to say she was shocked and not very happy. We were going to go visit the hospital on Monday, but my grandpa basically yelled and told us not to so...we didn't go >.>'

BUT, oooh that's not the bad part, the phone calls...don't even get me started on the phone calls. Actually, i think i will rant about the phone calls now because they're the main reason i want to stab myself in the head with a spork >_<
there are a couple of people that my grandma talks to just about EVERY DAMNED DAY! and...well, on Friday, my aunt called EIGHT TIMES (at 10, 11:45, 1, 3, 5, 6:30. 7:45, 8:30). Now, we've basically been ordered not to tell anyone anything soooo that means my uncle and I just leave the phone ringing, but EFF'IN 'ELL if after a while it doesn't grate on the nerves to have the phone ring constantly. ...at this point, my aunt thinks that the phone is broken. She calls and is like "Is it working?!?! ...i guess not... I'll call again..." >_______>' And today, one of my other aunts called a couple of times and the 2nd time she was like "...i hope you're alright... you're never home..." ...yeah...we told my grandma that she HAS TO FREAKING TELL PEOPLE because they're getting worried (I mean, she hasn't even told my uncle...that means only TWO of her kids even know she's in the hospital >.>' ) but...noooo she doesn't want to. -____-;

there's going to be HELL to pay once she gets out of the hospital and tells people, so there's NO WAY that my uncle and i are going to make it worse by either answering the phone and lying to the relatives, or telling them the truth and facing my grandma's wrath... yeah, auntie in canada can give us all the death glares she wants from there, but we have to live with my grandma so...her wrath takes precedence over everyone elses >.>'

*deep breath* スー( ̄。 ̄)ハー( ̄0 ̄)スー( ̄。 ̄)ハー( ̄0 ̄)シンコキュウ
phew, that felt good to let that out ε=( ̄。 ̄;)フゥ
Anyways, last week i was in this UBER emo mood like...seriously >.>' I hate emo moods, because for the most part i'm pretty ok/happy most of the time, and am rarely in a crappy mood <.< really, i'm in a seriously bad mood maybe once every couple of years (i don't even remember the last time i was in a truly horrible mood)
but i've been in a slightly better mood since i went to my mom's house for the weekend, I mean, i think just the fact of actually leaving the house at all helped, since the last time i went out was Wednesday to visit Kevin in the hospital...yeah...it's been a while I miss him and...people in general ・゚・(ノД`;)・゚・

OH yes, and another piece of info...I was talking to Kevin sometime last week...Friday or Saturday i think and this is what i said.
arashikeiko: i have this feeling...that something really stupid is going to happen
arashikeiko: like..my rat dying this week or something -_-'
GH13: aww
GH13: why are you feeling like that?
arashikeiko: i dunno
arashikeiko: ><
GH13: you are under a lot of stress
GH13: and worrying too much
arashikeiko: haha probably
arashikeiko: -.-

WELL GUESS WHAT?!?! ...yeah, i went home last night, and my mom was like "Make sure Suna has food" so... i walked over and...yeah she wasn't moving and was all cold and stiff sooo I got to go outside and dig a hole...just lovely -.-' Though, she was really really old (waaay over 4 years i think, that's a pretty long time for rats). I mean, every day we'd go over and make sure that she was still alive so...she lived a good long life ^^

EDIT: !!!!!!!!!! Ok... i guess my grandma actually FINALLY told someone, because one of my aunts called...not that we answered anyways because...yeah DO NOT WANT TO DEAL with them ranting about why we didn't tell anyone anything >.>' And...she said something about her maybe being back tomorrow? so...we'll see what happens ._.'

wtf, sad, rats, rant

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