Feb 23, 2007 01:18
today was...interesting XD
The Japanese 1 class had their oral test today. They had to pick 3 cards out of a pile of 25 and say what hiragana was on them (from a to no). So... this one guy comes up, and he's like:
"Wow your eyes are stunning 8DDDDD"
(yeah...nice try buster, but my eyes are plain old brown...and not stunning in any way)
"O_o That's not going to help you at all ya know =P"
"Fine then, you're hideous!!><"
...suffice it to say, he didn't get any points on this test >333
(...yeah, i'm not actually vengeful enough to actually give someone a zero for insulting me, and he was kidding anyways, but he DID get a zero because he got all 3 cards wrong)
another guy, picked a card and was like MWAHAHAHA it's a!!
ah... my japanese classes are always entertaining, i love it XD
today, the class had to draw pictures from obscure angles, and have people try and guess what it was they drew...the pictures were... quite interesting XDD and i couldn't figure out a lot of them XD This one guy asked me to guess what his pic was...and i said it looked like the ass side of an ant. well...it was indeed the ass side of an ant XD...so...he got mad and changed it to...something else that i couldn't guess. i'll have to ask him on tuesday what it was XDDD
t...around 3:25-ish i left japanese and ran to my english class (like i always do XD...because i hate leaving japanese for english...)
it's a pretty long way, and i forgot my jacket...and of COURSE it was raining today 8D
so...yeah, after english, i decided i'd try and take a shorter route out of school, so... instead of heading back towards the middle of the school and then walking out, i went out to the front of the school...and walked...i'm definitely not doing that again, even if it isn't raining. the path is shorter, but there's no sidewalk for part of it, and there are cars you have to go around...and the streets busy,...definitely not the safest path XD.
...anyways, it's late, and tomorrow's definitely going to be a tiring so...off to bed i go ^-^v
i'll try and write up a report after the concert ^-^;