Nov 18, 2006 00:17
ok...lets try this again shall we? ~_~ (i had started to type up my post when my browser decided to be a dick)
now then... first things first YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY I got tickets for the Dir en grey concert! (tickets 41-43 to be exact :3 )
ok sooo... recap of my day yesterday.
Woke up at nine, (don't ask me why -.-'' i just did) went to japanese at 1:30 and TA-ed, mmm... this time there were TWO oral tests...and GOSH ...people suck -_-; i swear... even in J3, I would look at the dialogue like in the 15-30 minutes before class started and memorize the stuff...-_-' and... i think i have an interesting perspective, in the fact that i had J1-J3 WITH 古山先生 (furuyama sensei) so... i know what it's like in her class ^^; ANYWAYS, yeah, at the beginning of class, was a skit (it was like... what? 3 lines per person?) In's the script: (and all of the kanji have furigana underneath in the book so... everything is pretty readable...methinks ._.' )
On Monday at school.
たけし: ロバートさん、 はがき、 ありがとう。 旅行は楽しかったですか。
ロバート: はい、沖縄の海はとてもきれいでしたよ。
たけし: よかったですね。 ぼくも海が大好きです。 飛行機の切符は高かったですか。
ロバート: いいえ、 あまり高くありませんでした。 たけしさんのデートはどうでしたか。
たけし: ・・・・・・
Takeshi: Robaatosan, hagaki, arigatou. ryokou wa tanoshikatta desu ka? (Robert, thanks for the postcard. Did you enjoy the trip?)
Robert: hai, Okinawa no umi wa totemo kirei deshita yo. (Yes. The sea was very beautiful in Okinawa)
Takeshi: Good. I like the sea very much, too. Was the airline ticket expensive?
Robert: No, it wasn't so expensive. How was your date Takeshi?
Takeshi: ...... ( a previous skit, he went to Haagen-Dazs instead of McDonalds where he was supposed to meet his date, so... yeah he didn't really go on a date -_-''' )
That's not that much to memorize...right? it's only 3 lines...or TWO if you got Robert's part...and still people can't memorize it T-T studdyyyyyy peopleeeeee T^T
aaaaanyways, after that was a カタカナ (katakana) oral test, all it was was identify two characters that we picked out of a カタカナ(katakana) bingo table of sorts so... if i said 35 and the character on # 35 was タ all you have to say is ta ._.' and...yeah there were several people that got no points ><' even though they're supposed to know them all now...and i picked some of the easier ones T-T
ok... i'll stop ranting about that now XD. hmmm... it seems like Tuesday, 古山先生(furuyama sensei) isn't going to be there, so one of the other Japanese teachers ひぐち先生 (higuchi sensei) is going to teach instead...i've never had her, so it'll be interesting to see how she teaches ^^
so...after class, I went with 佐藤さん (Satou) to the McDonalds right across the street from the school. He was talking about how if he got a normal combo, he'd get full just off the fries, so... I said what about a happy meal? then i explained what a happy meal was XD and...he did end up getting it XD the toys in them at the moment are characters from Flushed Away. And he got Mr Toad....which... when you press him on the table... his mouth opens and he makes a *croaking* sound ...we made fun of Mr Toad for quite a while XD and 佐藤 kept going キモイ!キモイ!キモイィィ!!!(eh...kimoi means something like freaky, FREAKY, this context anyways)
so... to make it a little better he shoved a french fry in Mr. Toads mouth, and said it was a cigarette XDDDD
...well...that croaking sound was really annoying...and...he's going to be stuck with it for a while methinks, because he took it home for his little brother XDD
that was around 4:45 ish, and i had really wanted to be at the school computer labs by around 4:30 but...i lost track of time so, after saying goodbye i hauled ass over to the computer lab, got there around 4:50, tried to sign onto a computer but it wasn't letting me sign on so i had to find another one, and i got signed on...then i had to sign into ticketmaster...which was easy enough... and i had to get to the specific page, which was also easy, and then...i sat...and refreshed...but apparently... i refreshed too much because ticketmaster decided to be a tool and LOCK ME OUT!!! (temporarily...but STILL ><) so... i sat there...panicking, because it was past 5 on the school computer clocks...and yeah... -_-; anyways, ticketmaster finally stopped being retarded and let me log in, and it was about...5:05-ish school clock time...that of which, they seem to be fast by about 5 minutes ^^; so... i managed to place an order, and was done by 5:08 school time (or...about 5:03 ish)
and...then i ran to english which is all the way on the other side of the school, and made it just in time ^-^;
after english, i skipped Geometry...because... i figured... i should probably work on my Statistics i ended up going home at around... 8-ish, ate dinner, and worked on my Statistics test (that i was given like...2 weeks ago... never EVER let me procrastinate that much again on something that's not an essay, PLEASE X_X; )
and then... as i was sitting there staring at it realising that i had NO CLUE as to what i was doing...i remembered CRAP i have homework due for stats as well -_-; but...test takes precedence over i worked on the test, i asked Tracy and Emily for help and they helped a little bit, and Tracy went to sleep at like 1:30 ish...Emily helped me till...around... 3:30-ish? and then... I sat there trying to do the stupid test... my uncle usually goes to work around 4-ish...and i was still up then...and i worked...untill about 6am x-x when i finally just gave up, i hadn't even done HALF of the stupid thing ><' and i think i slept for like... a half an hour or so? and then i had to wake up and get ready for class at 7:25 -_-; icky... i went to class, turned in what little i'd done, and then i just sort of...nodded off for like probably...10 seconds or so every few minutes till about 10:30 when i finally woke up enough to not fall asleep anymore ._.' i'm sitting here...i still haven't really slept XD