Feb 17, 2006 12:49

O~M~G!!! Dir en Grey is coming to Hollywood on Marh 23rd!!!!! uwah!!!! i sooo want to go see them!! *-*
::squeals:: >:3
oh...and i finally got my butt down to the DMV to get myself a permit ^-^ (oh shut up! i could have taken longer XP) now i can CRASH STUFF >:333 j/k :P
and... when i showed the guy at the counter my birth certificate him and some other lady were like staring at it and talking for like 5 minutes... my mom got sort of worried that something was wrong with it or something XD. oh... and... i need new glasses, when i did the vision test thing, i could see the top line with my right eye... but with my left eye i got them all wrong X-x well... i passed anyways so YAY. and then when i took the written test. the lady gave me a sheet with the back crossed out and i didn't do the back because it was crossed out. so i stand in line, and it's a different lady when i get to the desk and she's like looking at the stupid test and turns it around and since there's a green line through it, she's like "oh, the other lady gave you the wrong one...well... go finish this." so i did and stand in line again hoping i pass, since i read the whole book like, last night and YAY i only got 3 wrong :D so... WOOT!
anyways...we had our lab yesterday... it actually took the WHOLE time >.>; so... i took the bus, and i got to school at around.. 12:10 or so, and Rosemary was already waiting for me, since neither of us had totally finished our lab reports yet, we decided to go to the library and finish. So, we end up in one of those study rooms, and, work on our stuff. We played some music since the room is soundproof...until this lady in the next room came over and complained that the music was annoying her >.>; well... apparently... the rooms are NOT soundproof... which sort of defeats the purpose of having private study rooms for groups of people >.>; sheesh
so... we finished and waited outside of the lab until it was time for class to start. today, we were experimenting with diffusion and osmosis... well... one of our projects was to use a plate with agar in it and put 3 different things... iodine, methyl something or other (it's blue), ... and some red stuff ( i think it was potassium permanganate) and see how much each one diffused into the agar gel. The iodine won by far, and the blue didn't really spread very much. another of outr projects was to put a solution of starch, salt, and sugar into a dialysis bag and put it in a beaker of water with some iodine to see how much gets diffused. well... we tyed the little strip of dialysis paper stuff as tight as possible and it kept leaking... until Carlos asked someone and we figured out that the strip is two layers think --; that wasted like a half an hour, and we have to check all of our experiments every half hour for 2 hours >.>; so, he fills it half full with the solution and says "Does this look half full to you?" and right before i say yes, he DROPS IT, and it spills all over >.>; so "NO, it does NOT look half full to me... it looks EMPTY!" apparently... the bag only diffused the salt and starch because the iodine didn't turn blue. we also had to put the methylene blue stuff and potassium permanganate into different tubes and see how long it takes for the powders to settle and mix in the water under different temperatures (boiling water, room temperature water, and ice water)... well... Juan spent probably 2 hours standing over the beakers of water holding onto the tubes... i don't think that could have been much fun for him XD we finally finished and got to go home... one thing i learned about lab days... don't wear white --; cuz... chemicals stain... like...crazy >.>;

oh yes... and HAPPY 1yr Anniversary to this blog XD

school, concert, anniversary, friends

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